Reduced to Joy
Mark Nepo
Viva Editions
Aug. 2013
● 內文簡介





《Reduced to Joy》一書收錄作者自2000年起抗癌時所寫的詩,揭露一個痛楚和快樂共同編結之地,而在那裡,作者力展他的恢復力,並覺醒當中深層的智慧。他提醒我們感受心靈的神聖地,忘記21世紀生活中的噪音和喋喋不休的分歧,學會置身於混亂中依然能夠處之泰然以及發揮愛的力量。


● 作者簡介

馬克.尼波(Mark Nepo),是一位哲學家和詩人,在詩與靈性的領域教育長達25年。曾提名勒諾爾.馬歇爾詩歌獎(Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize)。著有《Acre of Light》、《Fire Without Witness》、《God, the maker of the bed, and the painter》以及暢銷書《每一天的覺醒》(The Book of Awakening),這本書被盛讚是「我們這個時代最優秀的心靈指南」。他任教於紐約州立大學阿爾巴尼分校18年。目前是大學駐校學者,兼任一所非營利組織的顧問,致力於宣揚並推動身心靈的整合和整體健康。


● 媒體報導

"In Reduced to Joy, Mark Nepo has written a love letter that speaks directly to the heart of the reader. He writes from the wisdom of experience - of having journeyed through two cancers. He gets to the essence of happiness, touching readers with his poetic passages and personal AH-HA's. He reminds us that in stillness, in embracing the mystery of life and in embodying our birthright as mighty expressions of love, we are reduced to joy. "——Susyn Reeve, author of The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind's Capacity for Joy

"In Reduced to Joy, Mark Nepo’s powerful and poignant collection of life poems, we are reminded again of what it is to be truly alive. His poems inspire, connect and encourage us to breathe in our own truth so that we can rediscover the peace and joy that is also present in each moment of our lives."——Polly Campbell, author of Imperfect Spirituality: Extraordinary Enlightenment for Ordinary People

"Oh! What a marvelous book. Mark Nepo's generous, vast poems restore readers to joy even before we finish reading them — musing upon single lines, images, stanzas — we feel it rising up again, that precious sense of YES. And completing them — we feel the rich trove of thinking and living so heartened and restored."——Naomi Shihab Nye, author of Words Under the Words

"Rumi would have described this book of poems as a crystal chandelier -- so many jewels, each like a treasure God has placed in the heart of Mark Nepo. If you already know Mark's work, you won't want to miss this collection. And if you have never had the pleasure of experiencing the world through Mark Nepo's eyes, begin with Reduced to Joy."——Gayatri Naraine, author of Something Beyond Greatness

"I am deeply moved by Mark Nepo's work, especially the healing power of the writing process he brings through to us all. His new Reduced to Joy cuts close to the bone with passages of pure beauty and raw honesty. I felt the stillness he wrote of, followed by a sense of peace For this, I am grateful. "——Nina Lesowitz, author of Living Life as a Thank You