Ken Taylor, Joules Taylor
26 Oct 2001
● 內文簡介

Ever answered the phone knowing who would be at the other end? Or taken an irrational dislike to an object for no apparent reason? Clairvoyance ('clear seeing') is the ability of the mind to see beyond the superficial – something we all do naturally, to greater or lesser exent. And like any other skill, anyone can learn – and use – clairvoyance in dat-to-day life.

This fascinating book introduces a wide range of clairvoyant techniques, each featuring practical exercises you try at home. There are five elemental sections relating to the type of clairvoyant skill employed: Earth for a 'hands-on' approach to the physical aspects; Water for making contact with, and exploring, your own subconscious; Air for developing a disciplined approach studying and practising clairvoyance; Fire for concentrationg the mind and focusing energy; and Spirit for drawing on your skills and taking them further. And can customize your learning experience to suit your existing psychic talents by completing the simple questionnaire at the beginning of the book.

From dowsing to telepathy, and from synchronicity to psychokinesis, this step-by-step approach will uncover your clairvoyant potential and open your eyes to a way of seeing that will transform your life.

◆ Discover – and explore – your untapped clairvoyant talents

◆ Learn how to enhance your perception and fulfil your potential

◆ Create your own path of discovery through the book

◆ Packed with practical exercises and experiments


● 作者簡介

Joules & Ken Taylor are a husband-wife team who have pooled their literary talents, particularly to explore ancient traditions contemporary applications. Previous non-fiction books published include two titles on Celtic myths, legend and folkore, and the richly illustrated Crystals for Health, Home, and Personal Power. Ken's solo commissions include Tarot for Today, a comprehensive guide to contemporary tarot use focusing on divination, while Joules' publications include Perfume Power and Love Spells, which introduces the Wiccan tradition and divination techniques dedicated to romance. In addition, they have each contributed two sections to the five-part compendium Dreams and Magic (part of the Un-Xplained series ).

Joules has a B.A. (Hons) in English Studies with Philosophy and Linguistics, and has had numerous articles and reviews published, including a monthly column for a regional Mensa Newsletter. Ken has worked as a freelance journalist, with over 500 miscellaneous articles published on a variety of themes. Ken and Joules were jointly proprietors of a small press for seven years, producing a wide range of titles. Ken also works as a website designer, while Joules enjoys website design.


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