The Art of Living Joyfully: How to be Happier Every Day of the Year
Allen Klein
Viva Editions
Oct. 2012
● 內文簡介

Allen Klein is an award-winning motivational speaker and believes strongly in the way words can influence how we feel mentally, physically, and spiritually. In this day of tweeting, texting, cyberspeak and the non-language of email, the written and spoken word has the power to touch our hearts and lift our spirit that is extraordinary.

In THE ART OF LIVING JOYFULLY, Klein presents a brilliant, permissions-cleared compendium of advice and plain common sense comprising a guide to good cheer. This wonderful collection of quips, quotes and instruction comes from a variety of people and from all eras of history. Dividing the books thematically, covering such topics as Friendship, Laughter, Beauty, Nature, Faith, and more, this is a book to cherish for oneself and to give as a heartfelt gift.

Regardless of the situations that life throws at us, Klein teaches and gently reminds us to indeed laugh loudly, love passionately and live our lives joyfully. Let Allen inspire you and help you embrace and celebrate the joy in your life and in the life that surrounds you. THE ART OF LIVING JOYFULLY reminds you to choose laughter as your companion every day. Don't just buy this book--live it.


● 作者簡介

Allen Klein is an award-winning motivational speaker and author whose books have sold over 500,000 copies.


● 媒體報導

"Words to live by are just words, unless you actually live by them. Take these words and love them—take these words and LIVE them!"
—BJ Gallagher, It's Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been

" In The Art of Living Joyfully Klein gives us the common sense advice that nourishes joy in all areas of our life. If you are hungry for more joy in you life, then this is a must have book. Open it to any page and all good cheer to embrace you from the inside out."
—Susyn Reeve,The Inspired Life