Source: The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation
Joseph Jaworski
Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Feb. 2012
● 內文簡介

全球暢銷書《Synchronicity》作者Joseph Jaworski的最新力作《Source》,再次帶領讀者進行一趟深度的精神拓展之旅,抵達創造力和深度學習的根源。



在《Source》一書中,作者講述一個接觸創造力和創新源泉的「U型流程」(U Process)發展的故事,融合了物理學、認知科學、心理學及精神傳統等學科,又分享他個人與量子物理學家、認知科學家、土著領袖以及思想家的奇妙對話,共同深索創造力和創新源泉的核心的問題。最終,他總結出四條基本法則,有助人們獲得創造力和創新的真正源泉。這四條基本法則為:

★There is an open and emergent quality to the universe.
★The universe is a domain of undivided wholeness; both the material world and consciousness are part of the same undivided whole.
★There is a creative Source of infinite potential enfolded in the universe.
★Humans can learn to draw from the infinite potential of the Source by choosing to follow a disciplined path toward self-realization and love, the most powerful energy in the universe.



● 作者簡介

Joseph Jaworski 是Generon International和全球領導力宣導論壇(Global Leadership Initiative)兩個組織的創始人和主席,他同時也是美國領導力論壇(American Leadership Forum)的創始人。他的著作有《Synchronicity》和《Presence》。


● 媒體報導

“Source is one of the most compelling and original books on leadership I have read. Not only does it deepen our understanding of leadership, it brings us closer to a fuller understanding of our authentic self, the source of effective leadership.” ──Warren Bennis, University Professor, University of Southern California and author of Still Surprised: A Memoir of a Life in Leadership

“A gem. Jaworski takes us on a personal journey to the source of creation. Profound and inspiring.” ──W. Brian Arthur, economist and author of The Nature of Technology

“Source is an impressive account of Jaworski’s lifelong quest into the underlying realities of life. It provides in a convincing way and at the right time the kind of insights we need to shape our future. This book is a must-read for everyone who aspires to a leading role in creating the next stage of human civilization.” ──Herman Wijffels, former CEO, Rabobank; former Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands; and former board member, The World Bank