The Streets of Paris: A Guide to the City of Light Following in the Footsteps of Famous Parisians throughout History
Susan Cahill
St. Martin’s Griffin
June 2017
● 內文簡介


幾百年來,擁有「光之城」(City of Light)稱號的巴黎,為那些追求熣燦人生的角色設置美麗的舞台,像中世紀的愛侶衰綠綺思(Héloïse)和阿伯拉(Abelard),他們不被認可的愛情,逼使他們各自成為修女和修士;還有卓越的科學家居里夫人;被受愛戴的法國女歌手伊迪絲.琵雅芙(Edith Piaf)和法國現代女作家柯蕾特(Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette)等。

在書中,作者Susan Cahill重塑22位著名巴黎人的生活,帶讀者穿梭於巴黎的街道和這些人物居住和工作的地方,以及讓他們獲得勝利或遭遇不幸的場景,還有他們喜歡的咖啡廳、餐館、酒吧和人跡罕至的地方,這些地方都曾經啟發他們靈感和燃燒他們的愛情。


每一個章節開端都配有一張美麗的巴黎街角的彩色照片,由巴黎攝影師Marion Ranoux拍攝,每一個旅程都有標示地鐵站和鄰近地標的清單,以及指示沿途有趣的地方,包括咖啡館、花園、廣場、博物館、書店、教堂,當然少不了可以吃到美味法式糕點的烘焙店。



● 作者簡介

Susan Cahill,著有多本旅遊書,從法國、義大利到愛爾蘭,如《Hidden Gardens of Paris》和《The Streets of Paris》等。她也是暢銷女性和小說系列的編輯,及小說《Earth Angels》的作者,每年都在巴黎待上好幾個月。

Marion Ranoux,是道地的巴黎人,是一位自由攝影師和翻譯,曾把捷克文學翻譯成法語。


● 媒體報導

“Perfect companion book for those planning a trip to Paris. Armchair travelers will delight in the histories and may find further inspiration in the bibliography.”──《圖書館期刊》

“Susan Cahill guides us to places and neighborhoods where celebrated, creative Parisians lived from the twelfth century (Héloise and Abelard) to the twentieth (Edith Piaf). Witty, colorful and always enlightening, The Streets of Paris is essential, whether you’re visiting for the first or fiftieth time.”──Donald Spoto, bestselling author of The Redgraves: A Family Epic

“This elegantly written book is absolutely essential reading for all travelers bound for Paris and anyone who loves the city, because it’s a history of the city that renders the city’s streets as historically vivid as they are beautiful. It’s a lovely read, too, because it’s history at its best, or as a series of intriguing, well-crafted and authoritative anecdotes that are a delight to read and will stay in mind as a quiet guide that will deepen one’s appreciation of the city forever.”──Alexander Lobrano, author of Hungry for Paris and Hungry for France