The Killing School: Inside the World’s Deadliest Sniper Program
Brandon Webb and John David Mann
St. Martin Press
May 2017
● 內文簡介

 已授權英、美、羅、波、中簡等5國語文
 美國亞馬遜暢銷軍事類書#5,並獲讀者五星評價
 多位暢銷書作者盛情推薦:
《美國狙擊手》合著作者Scott McEwen、
《13 小時》作者兼前陸軍遊騎兵Kris Paronto、
《Into the Fire》作者兼前海軍陸戰隊狙擊兵Dakota Meyer

《The Killing School》打開美國海軍特種作戰學校的校門,讓讀者見證為期三個月、令人筋疲力竭的偵察/狙擊兵訓練過程,了解一個普通人如何訓練成為一名鋼鐵般的致命狙擊手。

作為海豹特種部隊狙擊和戰鬥退伍軍人,Brandon Webb被要求開發美國海軍特種作戰偵察/狙擊兵學校,結合最先進的科技,創造全新的課程,繼續培訓最佳的戰士。在書中,作者帶領讀者進入訓練的各個方面,包括受訓者學習利用每一種可能的優勢以擊中目標,從學習橫風、氣壓、緯度,甚至地球旋轉到成為彈道專家,除了精準的槍法之外,每一位成員都必須有驚人的耐力,學會秘密行動,而心理和身體建設都必須達到極限。

作者又敘述這些訓練如何運用在戰場上,並以真實世界裡最頂尖狙擊兵的戰功輔佐說明,包括在伊拉克戰爭中做出多次卓越的致命一擊的Jason Delgado、陸軍遊騎兵Nicholas Irving在阿富汗一次單一行動中射殺33名敵人,以及在一次稱為Operation Anaconda的行動中,狙擊兵Rob Furlong創造一個最長距離擊中目標的歷史等。

作者在狙擊學校任教期間,從課程畢業的部份學員現已成為這一代最致命的狙擊兵,如《Lone Survivor》的作者Marcus Luttrell、《Fearless》作者Adam Brown,以及《American Sniper》聯合作者Chris Kyle。



● 作者簡介

Brandon Webb,是《紐約時報》暢銷書《The Red Circle》的作者,他是前海豹特種部隊軍人,獲頒發多個傑出頒章,包括總統單位嘉獎勛表。退役後,開設軍事內容網絡公司Hurricane Group, Inc.。現居於紐約。

John David Mann,是獲獎作家,著作包括《紐約時報》暢銷書《The Red Circle》和 《The Go-Giver》。


● 媒體報導

“A deeply honest and personal look into what Navy SEAL snipers do for us. . . As you read all the real-life accounts in this book you’ll find they feel so honest and read so well it is hard to put the book down. During Webb’s sniper school tenure, the course graduated some of the deadliest and most skilled snipers of this generation, including Adam Brown (Fearless) and Chris Kyle (American Sniper). . . The Killing School is a bright window into the shadowy world of our elite snipers.” —Forbes

“The Killing School reads like a screenplay for the most cinematic military adventure flick you’ve ever seen—except that every word of it is true. Brandon Webb is the real deal, and so are the four Spec Ops snipers whose exploits he traces with pulse-pounding detail.” —Kris “Tanto” Paronto, former Army Ranger, GRS operator, and coauthor of the New York Times bestseller 13 Hours

“An important piece of Naval Special Warfare history—and one hell of a gripping read!” —Dakota Meyer, former USMC scout sniper, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, New York Times bestselling author of Into the Fire

“There were many reasons Chris Kyle (American Sniper) became the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history. Brandon Webb’s contribution to the SEAL sniper course—their killing school—was a key factor in Chris’s journey.” —Scott McEwen, #1 New York Times bestselling coauthor of American Sniper and American Commander

“Sure to scare the hell out of any terrorist in line for a well-placed sniper shot. The Killing School is a gritty behind-the-scenes look at what makes the modern sniper so lethally effective in combat.” —Dick Marcinko, founder and first commanding officer of SEAL Team 6, author of the bestselling Rogue Warrior series

“Very few people on this earth know what it’s like to sight through a scope, pull a trigger and in the line of duty, stop another human being’s beating heart. Read The Killing School. Then you’ll know.” —Clint Emerson, formerly of SEAL Team Six and NSA, bestselling author of 100 Deadly Skills