The Brain Power Classroom: 10 Essentials for Focus, Mindfulness, and Emotional Wellness
Dave Beal
Best Life Media
December 2016
● 內文簡介

Create a Focused, Positive, and Engaged Classroom!

Through expert guidance and inspiring stories from the field, Dave Beal helps you create a Brain Power Classroom full of engaged, focused and collaborative students.

Part 1 provides scientific background, principles and insightful advice for creating an optimal classroom atmosphere. Part 2 features 30 classroom activities you can easily integrate into your current curriculum. They are divided into the “Brain Power 10 Essentials” and incorporate various modalities, such as movement, mindfulness, and focusing strategies to engage students’ multiple intelligences.

Using the tools in this book, you will be able to motivate your students to use their full brain potential as they develop into harmonious leaders with strong character and high levels of academic achievement.


● 作者簡介

Dave Beal is the Program Director and Head National Trainer for Brain Power Wellness. Dave was a New York City public elementary school teacher and has spent the last nine years training thousands of educators, administrators, parents, and students to use their full brain potential. He has led experiential sessions and lectures at the United Nations, and received praise and support from the NYC Chancellor of Schools.


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