The Home Decluttering Diet: Organize Your Way to a Clean and Lean House
Jennifer Lifford
Page Street Publishing
February 2017
● 內文簡介

Get the organized home you want by following this easy 12-month home organization room-by-room diet.

Like losing weight for your body, The Home Decluttering Diet helps readers to organize their entire home month-by-month to create long-term results. Starting with a 30-day home detox to quickly shed some of that excess weight, and with the option to pick and choose projects based on your specific goals, you will learn to change your bad habits and transform your house into the happier, more organized and inspired home that you desire.

Drawing on experiences in her own home, Jennifer Lifford developed these distinct and effective techniques that do more than just declutter—you will learn how to change your habits for good without feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Simply follow the exercises in the plans such as Shedding the Pounds and Building Strength to develop the techniques needed for permanent clutter loss and a forever organized home.

The Home Decluttering Diet is complete with organization guides, checklists, and tips for getting the whole family involved as well as simple DIY projects to provide you with practical storage solutions that are easily maintainable. Create the lifestyle you want and get your home and belongings in tip-top shape today!


● 作者簡介

Jennifer Lifford is the owner and creator of the lifestyle blog Clean and Scentsible, where she shares home organization and easy DIY projects, cleaning tips and home decor ideas. Her organization and cleaning tips have been featured in Better Homes and Gardens and HGTV magazines as well as numerous online publications. She lives in Mission, British Columbia, with her husband and two boys.


● 媒體報導

“Jennifer Lifford brings insight and guidance to help anyone permanently cut the clutter in their life in an attainable and realistic way. Her expertise and guides are easy to manage and workable with plenty of ideas to implement them in your own home. Get ready to put your home on a diet!”
—Becky Rapinchuk, author of The Organically Clean Home and Simply Clean, and founder of CleanMama.net

“Jennifer Lifford has a gift for breaking down the process of decluttering into bite-sized tips. The Home Decluttering Diet will inspire you to stop thinking about minimizing your home and finally start the process.” —Ann Marie Heasley, creator of WhiteHouseBlackShutters.com and organizer of the 40 Bags in 40 Days Decluttering Challenge

“A home detox is just what we all need and Jennifer has made it so easy to do. Her 30-day detox schedule and tips set you up for success and will leave your home feeling lighter, fresher, cleaner and more organized!” —Anna Moseley, founder of AskAnnaMoseley.com