Rebel Mother: My Childhood Chasing the Revolution
Peter Andreas
Simon & Schuster
April 2017
● 內文簡介


美國布朗大學國際關係教授彼得.安卓亞斯(Peter Andreas)在母親猝逝後,從她的住處發現時間橫跨三十年的上百本日記。這些他的二位哥哥不感興趣的遺物,使他有機會重新正視、理解自己異於常人的童年經驗,以及離經叛道的母親卡蘿。




《反叛的母親》(Rebel Mother)令人驚嘆地刻劃母子之間深刻的牽絆,栩栩如生重現七零年代反文化、左翼運動場景,獨具魅力的母親卡蘿,反映那個時代對於自由與理想的追求,以及理想主義者留下的未竟之夢與殘破關係的沉重代價,誠懇而深富洞見。


● 作者簡介

Peter Andreas is the John Hay Professor of International Studies at Brown University, where he holds a joint appointment between the Department of Political Science and the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. Andreas has published ten books, including Smuggler Nation: How Illicit Trade Made America. He has also written for a range of publications, including Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Guardian, Harpers, The Nation, The New Republic, Slate, and The Washington Post. A graduate of Swarthmore College and Cornell University, he lives with his family in Providence, Rhode Island.


● 媒體報導

“A mother and her young son go looking for a liberation that verges on chaos in this luminous memoir. Political scientist Andreas (Smuggler Nation) recounts his adventures with his mother, Carol, a Mennonite turned Marxist anti-war feminist who abducted the five-year-old Peter from Michigan in 1969 during a custody dispute with her ex-husband, taking him on a years-long odyssey through South America in search of revolutionary ferment. His narrative is a vivid, picaresque tour of early-1970s left-wing counterculture: squalid communes; collective farms in Salvador Allende’s Chile; Peruvian slums, where Carol became interested in the Sendero Luminoso guerilla movement; vehement arguments about anti-establishment rectitude and fine points of Marxist theory; endless scrounging while disdaining all material desires. Mother and son both ran pretty wild (Andreas virtually raised himself in the streets while Carol sometimes bedded her parade of lovers in the room she shared with Andreas, until she married an erratic Peruvian street performer half her age), and Andreas feels both exhilaration and a longing for the stable, orderly life his father represents. Andreas’s exuberant but clear-eyed memoir paints an indelible portrait of his charismatic mother, the era’s expansive pursuit of freedom and idealistic commitment, and the toll of exhausted dreams and frayed relationships the idealists left behind.”——出版人週刊,星級評論