Trump Revealed: An American Journey of Ambition, Ego, Money, and Power
Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher
August 2016
● 內文簡介



《Trump Revealed》由《華盛頓郵報》獲獎記者團隊進行調查,包括親訪川普本人,由政治調查記者 Michael Kranish與資深編輯既普立茲獲獎記者Marc Fisher操刀撰寫。《Trump Revealed》深入檢視川普一生戲劇性的崛起軌跡,他在皇后區的成長,輝煌的家族背景,積極不懈在紐約社交圈搏出名聲,他向來對豪賭的熱衷:房地產、名牌企業,到最終——他自己。從川普年輕時與政治掮客Roy Cohn過從甚密,據稱與犯罪組織的交易、在紐約市、大西洋城、佛羅里達、蘇格蘭、亞塞拜然多項爭議性計畫,檢視川普的財富、政治理念轉變、以及集鉅富商人、國際品牌、電視名人與政治人物,跨房地產、運動、娛樂、政治各界的複雜身份。



● 作者簡介

Michael Kranish is an investigative political reporter for The Washington Post. He is the coauthor of John F. Kerry and The Real Romney, both Boston Globe biographies of the presidential candidates, and the author of Flight from Monticello: Thomas Jefferson at War. He was the recipient of the Society of Professional Journalists Award for Washington Correspondence in 2016. Visit MichaelKranish.com.

Marc Fisher is a senior editor at The Washington Post, where he has been the enterprise editor, local columnist, and Berlin bureau chief, among other positions over thirty years at the paper. He is the author of Something in the Air, a history of radio, and After the Wall, an account of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany. Fisher wrote several of the Washington Post articles that won the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting in 2016 and the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 2014. Visit MarcFisher.com.


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