Silent Death :sometimes the perfect life is only a facade, and justice is only an illusion
Karen kissane
May 2006
● 內文簡介

Julie and Jamie Ramage were the classic middle-class austraoan couple. They appeared to have it good looks, a nice home and childreir in private schools.

But Julie walked out of their seemingly perfect marriage. and then Jamie killed her.

Jourfnalist and Jamie Ramage were the classic middle-class Australian couple. They appered to have it all: good looks, a nice home and children in private schools.

But Juiewalked out of their seemingly perfect marriage. And then Jamie killed her.

Journalist Karen Kissane follows the accused into the courtroom. There he pleaded not guilty to murder on the basis that his wife had dreven him over the edge.Silent Death tells the story behind the controversial trial and examines what it says aboyt men and women, guilt and justice.The book walks us through the front door of the Ramage home and into a history of violence.

Writtdn with a taut urgency, Silent Death is a powerful and provocative courtroom drama about the suburban dream, and the dark side of live.


● 作者簡介

Karen Kissane has been a journalist for 28 years. Her research for this book has been meticulous. Her coverage began in October 2004 as a writer for The Age. The story so gripped her imagination that she could not let it go. She was present for every minute of Jamie Ramage’s trial and Silent Death includes material gleaned from exclusive interviews with involved parties including Julie and Jamie Ramage’s friends and therapists. Karen Kissane’s detailing of how a trial is constructed and what the jury is permitted to know, combined with the brutal disintegration of a relationship and a family, and the way the law handles the question of guilt makes for compelling reading.


● 媒體報導