非文學類 (食譜)
Grape, Olive, Pig: Deep Travels Through Spain’s Food Culture
Matt Goulding
Harper Wave/Anthony Bourdain
November 2016
● 內文簡介

★知名明星主廚安東尼.波登、國際知名的料理先驅José Andrés盛情推薦!


榮獲詹姆斯.比爾德獎(James Beard Award)的美食作家麥特.高汀(Matt Goulding),繼去年出版暢銷書《米、麵、魚》(Rice, Noodle, Fish),將在十一月出版新作《葡萄、橄欖、豬肉》(Grape, Olive, Pig),帶領我們紙上旅遊西班牙,體驗南歐西班牙的美食與文化。

作者嚮導我們旅訪不曾認識的西班牙境內重要城鎮、結識不同的居民,從加利西亞的藤壺獵人到安達盧西亞的牧羊人,讓我們見到給予他歸屬感的溫馨的家、非凡的人們,與無可比敵的美食;無可救藥地愛上巴塞隆納的傳統小點酒館(tiny tapas西班牙飲食文化中很重要的代表,它可以當作小點心、開胃菜也可以是正餐。)與最摩登的烹飪聖殿;在馬德里嚐盡不同季節的小菜與消夜;在聖.賽巴斯坦看到世界最美的岩洞花園生物;在格拉那達高山後看到岩洞牧羊人的傳統生活。



● 作者簡介

Matt Goulding is editor and cofounder of Roads & Kingdoms, the former food editor of Men’s Health, and the coauthor of the New York Times bestselling series Eat This, Not That! He is a James Beard Award winner and has also written for Harper’s Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Food & Wine Magazine, and Time magazine. He divides his time between the tapas bars of Barcelona and the barbecue pits of North Carolina.


● 媒體報導

“Matt Goudling has written a magnificent love letter to his adopted home. It has all the beautiful details—the things you need to experience, must experience—to love Spain the way it deserves to be loved.”──Anthony Bourdain

“Matt Goulding sees, smells, and hears the whispers of the invisible spirits of Spain like no one has ever done before. The Spanish soul runs all through his veins. This is not a book, but a secret passage to a better world.”──José Andrés

“Think of this as a travel guide that’s supremely unhelpful in telling you where to eat… in the best possible way. After reading this book, you will want the following: a giant pan of paella, a big bowl of fabada, and as many cured meats as your stomach can take.”──Bon Appétit

“An enthusiastic journey through some of Spain’s culinary hot spots.”──Kirkus Reviews

“Goulding’s presentation of the myriad Spanish gastronomic delights from across the culturally diverse country is deliciously enticing and thoughtfully introspective.”──Booklist