Unlikely Companions: The Adventures of an Exotic Animal Doctor (or, What Friends Feathered, Furred, and Scaled Have Taught Me about Life and Love)
Dr. Laurie Hess
Da Capo Press
November 2016
● 內文簡介

★美國生活品味大師瑪莎.史都華(Martha Stewart)盛情推薦!

一名奇珍異類動物獸醫的七天生活,溫暖感人、幽默風趣、飽含知識,頗有吉米.哈利式(James Herriot)的行文風格。

無論是一隻絕食的雨傘鳳頭鸚鵡(Umbrella Cockatoo)、憂鬱的栗鼠(Chinchilla)、懷孕的大肚豬(potbellied pig)、或是需要進行手術的雪貂(ferret),奇珍異類動物的獸醫暨本書作者Dr. Laurie Hess來者不拒,站在醫療前線治療這些珍貴「寵物」,甚至還得疲於應付牠們的古怪、奉獻、有時嚴厲苛求的主人。

作為一名奇珍異類動物獸醫,Dr. Hess的經歷獨特且少有。在這本書中,她分享自己治療這些奇珍異類動物的過程、及牠們的古怪反常,同時也敘述自己如何從這些「寵物」主人因擔憂所提出的無理要求中,學到「愛」與治療牠們的重要。

這本書結合回憶錄、寵物槍救,以及鼓舞的自我成長,宛如是吉米.哈利醫生(Dr. James Herriot)的成名鉅作《大地之歌》(All Creatures Great and Small,敘述1937年哈利從獸醫學院畢業,滿懷感激與希望地來到英國北方的約克郡谷地,與人和動物發生許多溫馨歡鬧的生活。)夾雜不可思議的詭祕,從中教導人們學習管理自己最重要的關係──與我們的朋友、夥伴、小孩、伴侶,甚至自己。



● 作者簡介

Dr. Laurie Hess is board-certified by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in avian medicine and served as the President of the Association of Avian Veterinarians from 2009-2010. She is also an active member of the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians and the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians. The country’s go-to exotic pet doctor, she has appeared on Inside Edition, Animal Planet,The Martha Stewart Show, and The Doctors. Dr. Hess and her practice have been featured in the New York Times, The NY Daily News, USA Today, Martha Stewart Living, and Parade and People Magazine.


● 媒體報導

“Dr. Hess takes everyday as it comes and treats whatever enters her office with compassion, and knowledge, and sometimes even humor.”──瑪莎.史都華(Martha Stewart)

“To this contemporary James Herriot, the exotic is the everyday. Dr. Laurie Hess has written a fascinating account of her care of many unusual pets. You will be swept up in her race to find a cure that will save dying animals and the frequent E.R.-like action, as well as the heartfelt, healthful connections of loving people for their extraordinary pets.”──Dr. Marty Becker, “America’s Veterinarian” and author of The Healing Power of Pets

“A charming James Herriot-ish account of the sometimes chaotic life of a busy exotic animal veterinarian balancing family life while treating and saving the lives of numerous of our furred and feathered friends – and even ones with shells or that slither! Two paws (or claws) up for this delightful account of the life and times of this talented New York-based exotic animal guru.”──Dr. Nicholas H. Dodman, Author & Professor, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine