The Chibok Girls: The Boko Haram Kidnappings and Islamist Militancy in Nigeria
Helon Habila
Columbia Global Reports
December 2016
● 內文簡介


2014年4月,伊斯蘭激進組織「博科聖地」(Boko Haram)以非常手段武裝攻擊奈及利亞東北部奇博克(Chibok)一所政府女子中學(Government Girls Secondary School),綁架276名女學生,其中57人逃脫,卻有219人下落不明,生死未卜。該事件爆發後,全球人權團體不斷呼籲與施壓該組織釋放人質,卻毫無所獲,直到今年五月首次找到兩年多前被綁架的女孩,這起全球駭聞的綁架事件再度引發關注與討論。

贏得高度讚揚的奈及利亞小說家、本書作者Helon Habila生長在北奈及利亞,該綁架事件發生後,他返回奇博克,拜訪被綁架女孩的家人,取得他們的信任,以理性與感性兼併的敘述筆法,深入報導這個震懾全球的毀滅性悲劇。




● 作者簡介

Helon Habila was born in Nigeria and is the author of three novels, Oil on Water, Measuring Time, and Waiting for an Angel. His fiction, poems and short stories have won many honors and awards, including the Commonwealth Prize for Best First Novel (Africa Section), the Virginia Library Foundation's fiction award, and the Windham-Campbell Prize. Habila's short story, "The Hotel Malogo" won the Emily Balch Prize. Oil on Water, which deals with environmental pollution in the oil rich Niger Delta, was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize (2011), the Orion Book Award (2012), and the PEN/Open Book Award (2012).

He worked in Lagos as a journalist before moving to England in 2002. He co-edited the British Council's anthology, New Writing 14 and edited The Granta Book of African Short Story in 2011. He is currently an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at George Mason University and lives in Virginia with his wife and three children.


● 媒體報導