Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World
Marc Raboy
Oxford University Press
August 2016
● 內文簡介

★網際網路之父Vint Cerf、普立茲傳記獎得主David Kertzer盛情推薦

一百多年前,世界進入了無線時代。電纜以及其他高度受限的低效率傳播方式,迅速被能將新聞、訊息即時傳遞到幾乎每個角落的革命性發明取代:無線電。於是,船隻之間的通聯拯救了無數生命;金融市場之間能配合調節,設定商品價格與固定匯率;軍隊將領能與前線聯繫指揮行動……時間與空間前所未有地延伸,而想像出並實現這個相連世界的是現代無線通訊創始人:馬可尼(Guglielmo Marconi),他是比爾蓋茲與賈伯斯的先驅。






● 作者簡介

Marc Raboy,加拿大麥吉爾大學(McGill University)藝術史與傳播學系的倫理、媒體與傳播研究教授。編著作品繁多,曾獲邀至斯德哥爾摩大學、牛津大學、紐約大學、倫敦政經學院擔任訪問學者。現居蒙特婁。


● 媒體報導

"Marconi is a tour de force, revealing the fascinating history of one of the most influential figures in the history of modern technology and the communications revolution. Employing a wide range of archival sources, Raboy crafts a highly readable story of a man who is at times heroic, at times a cad. He is unflinching in exposing the major role Marconi played in support of Mussolini's Fascist regime." --David Kertzer, author of The Pope and Mussolini, Winner of the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Biography

"Marc Raboy's book is by far the most comprehensive rendering of Marconi's life and times I have seen. Drawing on numerous and in some cases only recently available resources, Marconi's story is re-told in vivid terms and contemporary context."
-Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer

"A comprehensive portrait of a complicated man, Raboy's meticulous, judicious work merits anchorage on science-history shelves."--Booklist, Starred Review

"Raboy superbly traces every twist and turn of Marconi's life, showing us his influences, business strategies and shrewd management of his own public persona. Raboy skilfully locates his activities in the context of communications policy, the arms race between Britain and Germany, and popular culture."—Nature

"[Raboy ] is especially adroit at portraying how Marconi was swept up in the modern world he helped create... Marconi really hums when Raboy details how his subject was implicated in the social and political effects of wireless... Marconi, which functions as a cultural history as much as a biography, reminds us that in its earliest incarnations, wireless had a romance and mystique."--New York Times