Nothing to Prove: Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard
Jennie Allen
WaterBrook Books
January 2017
● 內文簡介

Appealing to the same fans of Jen Hatmaker, Ann Voskamp, and Lysa TerKeurst, this is a perfect book for Christian women who are looking for purpose and mission in life, those who desire community and want a deeper walk with Jesus, and women drawn to writing that is vulnerable and conversational.

In just nine years Jennie Allen has built a robust platform as an author and Bible teacher. In 2014 she launched the IF: Gathering. The 2016 simulcast reached one million women across 145 countries and had 2,300 people in attendance at the local venue in Austin, TX. The movement has grown beyond IF: Gathering to include IF: Table, IF: Equip, IF: Local, and other tools for connecting regularly with her motivated followers.

Now the visionary behind the million-strong IF: Gathering challenges Christian women to stop striving and simply enjoy God in her new book titled NOTHING TO PROVE. All too often, women find themselves paralyzed by the belief that they are not good enough, smart enough, spiritual enough to do the things they believe they should. In this new book Allen offers readers the freedom to accept that fact that they are not enough, but God is. They can stop striving to be seen, to be known, to matter and simply rest in letting God be their enough.


● 作者簡介

Jennie Allen is a Bible teacher marked by personal authenticity and vulnerability. She has published several popular Bible studies and trade books, and is a sought after speaker that frequently participates in conferences such as Catalyst, Q Conference, SEND (North American Mission Board), and the IF: Gathering, as well as in some of the largest churches in America. She earned a Masters in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. She is the author of Anything andRestless, both published by Thomas Nelson.


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