A Road Unforeseen: Women Fight the Islamic State
Meredith Tax
Bellevue Literary Press
August 2016
● 內文簡介

★《我在底層的生活》《我的失序人生》作者Barbara Ehrenreich盛情推薦


《A Road Unforeseen》述說羅賈瓦庫達族(Rojava Kurds)戲劇性且鮮為人知的歷史,羅賈瓦全由女性組成的民兵部隊,在拯救被圍困伊拉克高山的上萬平民的危險行動中居功厥偉,在那之前,伊斯蘭國佔有壓倒性優勢,但這些羅賈瓦女性不但擊敗他們,且在二十四小時內首先將半數難民帶至安全處。

這些壯舉令人折服的羅賈瓦女性是誰?她們的故事傳達出哪些值得學習的教訓?她們的政治哲學與伊拉克庫德族、伊斯蘭國、土耳其之間有何不同?二十一世紀政治會被這些不同政治型態的對立對抗所形塑嗎?《A Road Unforeseen》透過特殊的視角切入敘利亞的衝突,對於了解女性主義與伊斯蘭、女性與世界的關係,做出重要的貢獻,並讓人看見改變的希望。


● 作者簡介

Meredith Tax is a writer and political activist. Author, most recently, of Double Bind: The Muslim Right, the Anglo-American Left, and Universal Human Rights, she was founding president of Women’s WORLD, a global free speech network of feminist writers, and cofounder of the PEN American Center’s Women’s Committee and the International PEN Women Writers’ Committee. She is currently international board chair of the Centre for Secular Space and lives in New York.


● 媒體報導

“Thorough and well-documented. . . . Readers interested in geopolitical issues and history will no doubt be grateful for her lucid explanation of events involving countries like Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran and for illuminating the plight of the Kurdish people in the Middle East.” —New York Journal of Books

“Tax approaches the Syrian conflict from a unique perspective as she focuses on the role of Kurdish women combatants. . . . Extensively researched, this is an immensely relevant primer on a complex people whose past and future are critical to the success of peace in their region.” —Booklist

“An important look at an unfolding situation little understood in the West.” —Publishers Weekly

“This is the book I’ve been waiting for—only it’s richer, deeper, and more intriguing than I could have imagined. A Road Unforeseen is a major contribution to our understanding of feminism and Islam, of women and the world, and gives me fresh hope for change.” —Barbara Ehrenreich, author of Nickel and Dimed and Living With a Wild God