Neuroenology: How the Brain Creates the Taste of Wine
Gordon M. Shepherd
Columbia University Press
November 2016
● 內文簡介


透過神經科學、生物力學、人體生理學和葡萄酒釀造學的最新研究,神經科學家暨本書作者Gordon M. Shepherd向讀者展示令人吃驚的發現:紅酒的味道創造自大腦!這個觀點改寫享用葡萄酒的經驗,為喜歡品嚐佳釀的普羅大眾,又或是調酒師、廚師等專業人士提供科學化的感官解說。


《Neuroenology》是第一本以神經科學解說品酒的書。作者指出,大腦對葡萄酒口味的變化,與葡萄酒如何經口腔、舌頭、喉嚨,還有你呼吸的節奏,以及當時在進食什麼食物有關,大腦皮層的特別感覺通路會創造對葡萄酒的記憶,並透過密碼確認和記下其特色,作者稱之為流體生物動力學(fluid biomechanics),當你了解當中運作和原理,就能掌握大腦如何創造葡萄酒的感官。

不論你是業餘的葡萄酒飲用者、美食家,又或是經驗豐富的廚師,本書提供科學化的品酒建議,向你展現愉悅情緒如何成為葡萄酒體驗的決定性因素,還有作者與著名法國釀酒師Jean-Cladue Berrouet對傳統波多佳釀的品酒經驗。



● 作者簡介

Gordon M. Shepherd,耶魯大學醫學院神經科學教授,曾是《Journal of Neuroscience》的編輯,他的著作包括《Neurogastronomy》、《Handbook of Brain Microcircuits》和《Creating Modern Neuroscience》等。


● 媒體報導

“Shepherd provides a valuable and interesting glimpse into the human side of science and its inherently cross-disciplinary nature. After having read Neuroenology, every sniff, bite and gulp, will create a moment of reflection on how complex and wonderfully mysterious the human brain is.”──Christopher R. Loss, Culinary Institute of America

“By unifying knowledge scattered across plant biology, microbiology, viticulture, chemistry, neuroscience, and the humanities, Neuroenology founds the new science of how the taste of wine is created, not in the glass but in the brain.”──Pierre-Marie Lledo, The Pasteur Institue, coauthor of The Custom-Made Brain

“Savoring wine is perhaps the quintessential human multimodal experience, combining as it does vision, touch, taste, smell and even audition into a magnificent single aesthetic experience. Shepherd's enthusiasm in exploring this meeting of neural science and sensory input is infectious. He provides readers with a novel perspective that will enhance their appreciation of the pleasures of tasting fine wines, and inspire scientists and laypersons alike to test his hypotheses and extend his analyses.”──Gary Beauchamp, Monell Chemical Senses Center