For the Love of Money
Sam Polk
July 2016
● 內文簡介

2014年一月,《紐約時報週日評論》頭版刊登了一篇由前避險基金經理人波克(Sam Polk)撰寫,關於財富成癮(wealth addiction)的文章,引發熱烈討論與瘋傳。現在,他將在回憶錄《For the Love of Money》裡,勇敢而直言不諱地自剖他在華爾街的成長、與過往幽靈奮戰的掙扎,以及現在他定義成功的嶄新方式。



波克在書中有如《老千騙局》(Liar’s Poker)帶領讀者窺見華爾街機密的交易場景,捕捉那些為華爾街光環吸引的年輕名校畢業生所面臨的挫折衝擊,探索一名年輕避險基金經理人的崛起、失望幻滅,戲劇性的價值轉變,發現新的成功定義,讀來生動而坦誠動人。


● 作者簡介

Former hedge fund trader Sam Polk is a writer, Founder and Executive Director of Groceryships, a nonprofit that helps low-income families struggling with obesity, and Cofounder and CEO of Harvest, a social enterprise that sells healthy, ready-to-eat meals in low-income communities at affordable prices. Sam graduated from Columbia University in 2002 with a BA in English and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Designation. His writing has been published in The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, and CNBC.com. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and their daughter. For the Love of Money is his first book.


● 媒體報導

"A page-turning journey of radical transformation with rare insights into the dysfunction of Wall Street and our achievement-obsessed culture, written with a level of honesty and depth that is rare for any author, let alone a former hedge-fund trader!” (Jack Canfield, bestselling co-author of the CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL series)

"Beyond a cautionary tale on wealth addiction and the toxic culture of Wall Street, For The Love of Money is also a tender and clear story of the transformation of a soul in search of self and healing. Along with a vivid entry into the world of a hedge fund trader, the reader finds resonance in Sam Polk's excavation of his essential wound and is likewise brought into the bright light of wholeness." (Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries and "New York Times" bestselling author of TATOOS ON THE HEART:The Power of Boundless Compassion)

“For the Love of Money is one of the most important memoirs of our time. Sam Polk takes us on a journey through the upper echelons of Wall Street, where money and self-worth are often inseparable. Polk shows how he got swept up in a culture of accumulation, and how he managed to extract himself by making peace with his past. Polk’s humility and unflinching honesty offers us hope for tomorrow, and an account of what truly matters. This is a must read.” (Christina McDowell, author of AFTER PERFECT: A Daughter’s Memoir)

"Riveting. Polk has managed to write a fast-paced thriller, while at the same time exploring the pain underneath our desire for money, power, and success with startling honesty, brilliance, and depth. But perhaps the best part (and there are so many best parts in For the Love of Money), is that Polk’s story is a remarkable blueprint of hope and transformation for what comes after greed. I was blown away." (Geneen Roth, #1 New York Times bestselling author of WOMEN FOOD AND GOD)

"A compelling, mesmerizing, and deeply psychological memoir. Polk’s journey is both courageous and inspirational, and a reminder to all of us that there are pursuits far more fulfilling than the accumulation of material wealth." (Robin Berman, MD Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA author of PERMISSION TO PARENT)

"I read Sam Polk’s For the Love of Money in one night. It’s an engrossing and important book—required reading for the legions of bright, young students who assume that money brings well-being. As Polk shows, the quest for money never ends, and only becomes more urgent. Instead, enduring happiness comes from a career grounded in passion and meaningfulness. As long as you’re happy and have enough to live on, the rest takes care of itself." (Adam Alter "New York Times" bestselling author of DRUNK TANK PINK and Associate Professor of Marketing and Psychology, New York University Stern School of Business)

"Engrossing....A heartfelt andcautionary success story incorporating both the deceptive promises of wealthand the life-changing power of self-awareness."--Kirkus Reviews