Step Up - Women, Work, Success: Your Perfect Career in 10 Minutes a Day
Phanella Mayall Fine and Alice Olins
Vermilion, Penguin Random House UK
Sep. 2016
● 內文簡介



生涯顧問教練Phanella Mayall Fine與時尚雜誌記者Alice Olins這對好友合組 「女人向前走俱樂部」(Step Up Club),舉辦工作坊與分享會,與在職業上有企圖心、有想法、有疑惑的女性彼此激勵、成長,將寶貴洞見融貫於這本獨樹一格的女性勵志書。

本書目的並非空泛地「打倒男人」,儘管開篇的統計數據指出,英國富時百大CEO(FTSE 100 CEO)裡,男性僅是名叫約翰的就比全部入選的女性多。但作者強調一個重要的中心價值:你要定義屬於自己的「成功」(並不是每個人都需要當CEO!)。此外,本書鼓勵女人自我省察、對個人的企圖心與感覺保持開放的態度,從中獲得力量。擁抱身為女人的獨特性,擁抱改變的可能性,因為改變讓你飛翔!

《Step Up》融合這兩位傑出職業女性激勵人心的故事、當頭棒喝般的適時生涯建議,與每天10分鐘的職涯鍛鍊操。這些多樣化的職涯目標練習(每天十分鐘,每週一種新技能),可能是建立社交人脈(networking)或學習運用他人的影響,全書風格活潑,貼近女性經驗而深具實用與啟發性,幫助女性的職業生涯進展得更順暢更篤定,夢想的成功不再遙不可及。


● 作者簡介

Phanella Mayall Fine is an executive coach and development consultant, with a Masters in Organisational Behaviour (Career Management and Counselling). A Full Member of the Association for Coaching, she now coaches and trains professionals across Europe for clients including top law firms and investment banks. She is particularly passionate about helping her female clients achieve their career goals and her corporate work focuses on women’s leadership and advancement, self-presentation, maternity and return to work. She lives in London with her husband and three children.

Alice Olins has worked at or written for nearly all of the country’s broadsheets and women’s glossies. She spent a decade at The Times as its Senior Fashion Writer, where she contributed front-page stories as well as big hitting fashion and lifestyle interviews for Times2 and the Saturday Magazine. Then came a stint as Marie Claire’s Fashion Features Director, where she commissioned, wrote and edited a weighty proportion of the magazine and co-founded the new publication Marie Claire Runway. Today, with two daughters in tow, Alice continues her career on a freelance basis. She is a Contributing Editor at Red and Marie Claire Australia, and continues to write across the board for titles including Grazia, LivingEtc and The FT.


● 媒體報導