The Science of Willpower
Kelly McGonigal
Avery, Penguin USA
July 2011
● 內文簡介


由心理學家Kelly McGonigal親自撰寫的新作《意志力的科學》(The Science of Willpower),排定2011年7月出版,是美國企鵝出版社旗下出版社Avery年度主推書,它從有趣的科學角度帶領讀者認識人類的意志力,並看人類可以如何培訓自己堅強的意志力?透過意志力,人類可以達到什麼樣意想不到的驚人力量?這本書就像全球暢銷小說《失落的符號》所提及的知性科學一樣,意志力可以影響外物,也能發揮人類的最大潛力。

Now the book The Science of Willpower combines the best scientific insights and practical exercises from this groundbreaking course. It presents five new ways of thinking about willpower, each turning a common belief about willpower on its head. Each chapter describes the science behind an idea, explores its implications for everyday life, and offers practical strategies for applying the idea to increase willpower and reduce stress, anxiety, and procrastination. The reader is invited to put every idea to test through specific exercises, experiments, and willpower challenges.

Whether you are trying to break a habit, improve your health, or find your focus, The Science of Willpower will transform the way you think about willpower and empower you to make real and lasting changes in your life.


● 作者簡介

Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., is an award-winning psychology instructor at Stanford University. As a health educator for the School of Medicine's Health Improvement Program and co-founder of the Stanford Women’s Wellness Network, she has helped thousands of people make healthy choices and manage stress.She is a regular contributor to Yoga Journal and IDEA Fitness Journal, the nation’s leading magazine for health and fitness professionals, as well as the author of Psychology Today’s “Science of Willpower” blog. Her first book, Yoga for Pain Relief (New Harbinger, 2009), applies cutting-edge neuroscience and mind-body research to the epidemic of chronic pain. She is also a freelance book editor and has edited psychology and mind-body works published by W.W. Norton, Stanford University Press, Shambhala, and others.


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