Off the Radar: A Father’s Secret, a Mother’s Heroism and a Son’s Quest
Cyrus Copeland
Blue Rider Press
April 2015
● 內文簡介

★2016年美國Chautauqua Prize文學獎得主!


1979年11月,伊朗革命後,德黑蘭爆發的人質危機吸引了西方媒體與白宮的所有目光,然而有另一名美國人遭到伊斯蘭革命衛隊(Revolutionary Guards)逮捕監禁,卻沒有引起國際媒體的注意。這個被控犯間諜罪求處死刑的男人,即本書作者的父親。


在《Off the Radar》中,科普蘭講述自己追尋父親真相的故事。馬克斯•科普蘭真的是罪證確鑿落網的武器專家暨美國中情局探員嗎?或者他只是一家美國公司的高層主管,負責處理因革命而逃離伊朗的員工事務而已?




● 作者簡介

塞勒斯•科普蘭(Cyrus Copeland),前文案編輯、廣告公司主管,編有兩部悼詞合集《Farewell, Godspeed: The Greatest Eulogies of Our Time》 與《 A Wonderful Life: 50 Eulogies to Lift the Spirit》。現居紐約。


● 媒體報導

" This brilliant, touching tale of espionage, discovering family, and balancing cultures is recommended for fans of memoirs, spy stories, and Iranian culture." --Library Journal (starred review)

"An expansive and eloquent memoir that reads like a real-life spy novel … There are lessons both personal and political in the legacy of strife [Copeland] inherits, and Off the Radar explores both with pitch-perfect tone and deep emotion." –Booklist

“Copeland . . . explores the mystery surrounding his father’s controversial persecution in revolutionary-era Iran. The author attempts to reclaim his family's pre-revolutionary past and uncover the mysterious life and death of his father, American Max Copeland, who was married to (and eventually represented by) the first female lawyer of the Islamic Republic. . . . [A]n engaging narrative . . . that highlights his family’s resilience in the face of challenging, unforeseen political circumstances. Along the way, the author’s personal immersion in his family’s history helps him come to terms with his Iranian heritage and allows him to build a much-needed figurative bridge between two very different but equally misunderstood cultures. Both a gripping personal story and an insightful historical-cultural study.”-- Kirkus Reviews