The Rise and Fall of Communism
Archie Brown
June 2009
● 內文簡介

牛津大學政治學教授 Archie Brown 將於四月11-18日應邀到國立政治大學擔任4堂課堂講師,授課關於「共產主義的興衰」理論,此與他去年出版的著作《共產主義的興衰》(The Rise and Fall of Communism)切題。

From the internationally acclaimed Oxford authority on Communism comes a definitive history that examines the origins of the ideology, its development in different nations, its collapse in many of those countries following perestroika, and its current incarnations around the globe. The Rise and Fall of Communism explores how and why Communists came to power; how they were able, in a variety of countries on different continents, to hold on to power for so long; and what brought about the downfall of so many Communist systems.

For this comprehensive and illuminating work, Brown draws on more than forty years of research and on a wealth of new sources. Tracing the story of Communism from its nineteenth-century roots, Brown explains both its expansion and its decline in the twentieth century. Even today, although Communism has been widely discredited in the West, more than a fifth of humanity still lives under its rule.


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