This is Your Brain on Sports: The Science of Underdogs, the Value of Rivalry, and What We can Learn from the T-Shirt Cannon
L. Jon Wertheim and Sam Sommers
Archetype, Crown Publishing
Feb. 2016
● 內文簡介


為什麼運動可以令參與的人和觀看的人心情興奮、行為瘋狂?這絕不僅是體能上和情緒上的問題,《This is Your Brain on Sports》一書深入探究運動與我們日常生活之間的關係。


《Sports Illustrated》執行主編暨本書作者L. Jon Wertheim聯同心理學家Sam Sommers解釋:為什麼運動一點也不瘋狂,並探究從主要運動中學到的生活知識,以及它們如何提供我們這些身為經理、商業擁有者、消費者、父母的人的最佳生活指導。正如奧斯卡最佳記錄片獎得獎導演埃洛.莫里斯(Errol Morris)所說的:「運動關係到每樣事物。」

作者在書中告訴我們:為什麼在跑步機上跑步,可以教會我們如何運作一家公司;為什麼支持可愛的失敗者與宜家家具的成功商業模式有關;你與西洋拳選手Floyd Mayweather(創下職業拳賽生涯39場出賽連勝記錄)、美式足球運動員Brett Favre(四分衛,最佳防守)、網球大滿貫女單冠運小威廉絲(Serena Willians)有何共同點;為什麼瞥見終點線能激發運動員的體能極限等等問題。



● 作者簡介

L. Jon Wertheim,是位體育記者、《Sports Illustrated》的執行主編,熱愛鑽研心理學和經濟學,著有《紐約時報》暢銷書《Scorecasting》和《You Can’t Make This Up》。

Sam Sommers,是一位體育迷,是塔夫斯大學(Tufts University)的實驗心理學家,研究日常生活心理學,著有多本備受讚譽的書,包括《Situations Matter》。


● 媒體報導

“Wertheim and Sommers wield serious research to diagnose the myriad symptoms of the human brain on sports, and what they find is, by turns, hilarious, slightly frightening, and always illuminating.”──David Epstein, author The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance

"Smart, funny, and brimming with insights."──Daniel Gilbert, Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, and author of Stumbling On Happiness

"Eye-opening, captivating, and hilarious, This is Your Brain on Sports shines a fascinating and scientific spotlight on human nature. Wertheim and Sommers offer expert lessons for athletes and sports fans, sure, but also for business leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, parents, youth sports coaches, and more."──Amy Cuddy, Harvard Business School professor and author of Presence

“A rollicking read that offers dozens of sparkling insights into social psychology, cognitive science, and behavioral economics. Wertheim and Sommers are the perfect writing duo -- one part Watson and Crick, another part Brady and Gronkowski.”──Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and To Sell Is Human