The Power of Different: Genius and the Link between Disorder and Extraordinary Ability
Gail Saltz
Flatiron Books
March 2017
● 內文簡介


《The Power of Different》是一本具開創性與啟示性的書,探討人類特殊資質與異常情況之間的聯繫,以及「大腦天才」與「大腦異常」如何定義?

透過研究和最新的科學實驗,剖析為人熟知的天才與那些被診斷為大腦異常者之間的差異,所謂大腦異常包括學習障礙、注意力不足過動症、焦慮、沮喪、躁鬱症、精神分裂症和自閉症。心理學家暨本書作者Gail Saltz以她專業和臨床經驗向讀者展示,在何種非常狀態會引起學習、社交、自理和工作上的困難,並約束了創造力、紀律行為、藝術、感情移入以及認知能力等。她同時具體陳述大腦某些特定區域的不足,與潛在的偉大天賦的互相關聯。



● 作者簡介

Gail Saltz,是紐約長老教會醫院暨康乃爾大學醫學院精神科臨床助理教授,也是一位心理醫生、專欄作家、暢銷書作者、電視評論員,以及雜誌《Health》的特約編輯。她經常擔任電視節目,如【The Oprah Winfrey Show】、【Dateline】、【Fox News】、【Today Show】和【Good Morning America】的嘉賓,也接受《Redbook》、《Women’s Day》和《紐約時報》等媒體訪問。


● 媒體報導

“Gail Saltz strikes gold. For centuries, stigma, fear, and, above all, ignorance have prevented us from seeing what Dr. Saltz presents so clearly, concisely, and convincingly: that embedded in our so-called disabilities, disorders, and mental illnesses we find treasures of enormous value, gems that have illuminated and changed the world. As she demonstrates over and again, our world would be thousands of years behind itself were it not for the talents and originality mixed in with the chaos and confusion of the mind in distress or disarray.”──Ned Hallowell, author of Driven to Distraction

“Gail Saltz’s careful research bolsters her argument that every brain is different, and that achievement has to do with harnessing what’s there more than with trying to reshape it into normality. Her insightful book examines genius and disability in considerable detail, but the stories and lessons contained within it are relevant to all human minds.”──Andrew Solomon, New York Times bestselling author of Far From the Tree

“For generations, we have wondered how some people with mental disorders reach the heights of human creativity and invention, despite, or perhaps because of, those disorders. Now, Gail Saltz, a brilliant psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, has explored the relationship between the two and written a grippingly readable book that sheds a profound and crucial light on the nature of genius.”──Steven Naifeh, Pulitzer-Prize winning author of Jackson Pollock: An American Saga and Van Gogh: The Life