Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War
Fred Kaplan
Simon & Schuster
Mar. 2015
● 內文簡介

★諜報小說大師勒卡雷(John le Carré)盛情推薦


網路攻擊屢屢登上新聞版面,全球危險人物名單上恐怖份子與駭客同列,美國軍方高層警告網路戰爭就在不遠的未來,普立茲獎獲獎記者柯普蘭(Fred Kaplan)的《網路戰爭的秘密歷史》(Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War)毋寧是一本及時、深刻,且讀來趣味橫生的揭露與探討。




● 作者簡介

Fred Kaplan,《石板》(Slate)雜誌國防專欄作家,另著有四本書,包括《紐約時報)暢銷書、普立茲獎決選作《The Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Plot to Change the American Way of War》。曾任《波士頓環球報》記者,期間榮獲普立茲新聞獎。大學畢業於歐伯林學院,在麻省理工學院取得博士學位。現居紐約布魯克林。


● 媒體報導

“An important, disturbing, and gripping history arguing convincingly that, as of 2015, no defense exists against a resourceful cyberattack.”——科克斯評論,星級書評

“A book that grips, informs and alarms, finely researched and lucidly related.” ——諜報小說大師勒卡雷(John le Carré)

“Everyone has heard the term 'cyber warfare.' Very few people could explain exactly what it means and why it matters. Dark Territory solves that problem with an account that is both fascinating and authoritative. Fred Kaplan has put the people, the technologies, the dramatic turning points, and the strategic and economic stakes together in a way no author has done before.” ——大西洋月刊

“A consistently eye-opening history of our government’s efforts to effectively manage our national security in the face of the largely open global communications network established by the World Wide Web. . . . The great strengths of Dark Territory . . . are the depth of its reporting and the breadth of its ambition. . . . The result is not just a page-turner but consistently surprising.”——紐約時報

“Dark Territory captures the troubling but engrossing narrative of America’s struggle to both exploit the opportunities and defend against the risks of a new era of global cyber-insecurity. Assiduously and industriously reported. . . . Kaplan recapitulates one hack after another, building a portrait of bewildering systemic insecurity in the cyber domain. . . . One of the deep insights of Dark Territory is the historical understanding by both theorists and practitioners that cybersecurity is a dynamic game of offense and defense, each function oscillating in perpetual competition.” ——華盛頓郵報