The Hundred-Year Walk: An Armenian Odyssey
Dawn Anahid MacKeen
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Jan. 2015
● 內文簡介

★ 美國亞馬遜中東歷史、旅遊類暢銷書!


1915年,第一次世界大戰正熾,亞美尼亞人史蒂潘.米斯柯姜(Stepan Miskjian)的世界一夕崩解了。在鄂圖曼土耳其政府將境內亞美尼亞人大規模遣送至集中營的途中,他被迫與家人分開,漸漸意識到死亡將是這趟路的終點。


《The Hundred-Year Walk》由史蒂潘的傳奇流亡之路與百年後的另一趟旅途交織而成。史蒂潘的家人意外發現他當年的日記,外孫女即本書作者彤恩.麥金(Dawn MacKeen)將日記內容翻譯後閱讀這份珍貴的第一手紀錄,深深沉陷於外祖父筆下戰前繽紛多彩的市集生活,與隨後承受的驚駭恐怖。


《The Hundred-Year Walk》既是透過一位勇氣與毅力非凡的亞美尼亞倖存者之眼,觀看百年前近一百二十萬人蒙難的種族屠殺悲劇。另一方面,他與外孫女以另一種形式共同走過的這段路途,也見證了家族、家園、歸屬的力量,動人地顯示人性精神足以超越宗教、族群甚至時間的藩籬,獲《圖書館期刊》盛讚媲美暢銷傳記《永不屈服》(Unbroken)!


● 作者簡介

Dawn Anahid MacKeen,獲獎調查記者,花了近十年追索外祖父的不可思議的生存故事。曾任職Salon、Newsday、Smart Money,限為自由記者,文章發表於《紐約時報雜誌》、《Elle》、《洛杉磯時報》等媒體。現居美國南加州。


● 媒體報導

"MacKeen doesn’t shirk from recounting the grisly details of genocide, describing brutal beatings, hunger to the point of cannibalism, and thirst to the point of urine-drinking. With a health-care reporter’s deft touch, she manages to play down the utter pathos, but her dedication to baring gruesome facts is as unfailing as her loyalty to the mission thrust upon her."—Barron's

"This previously untold story of survival and personal fortitude is on par with Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken. Further, this is a tale of tracing your family roots and learning about who you are. It will have broad appeal for a wide range of readers."—Library Journal, STARRED review

“A freelance journalist debuts with an account of her long effort to retrace the journey of her grandfather, who improbably survived the vast massacre of Armenians during World War I. Stepan Miskjian’s survival—a story of astonishing determination, luck, and horror—is beyond improbable.…Powerful, terrible stories about what people are willing to do to other people—but leavened with hope and, ultimately, forgiveness.”—Kirkus Reviews