Hitler’s Art Thief: Hildebrand Gurlitt, the Nazis, and the Looting of Europe’s Treasures
Susan Ronald
St. Martin’s Press
Sep. 2015
● 內文簡介



80歲的葛利特(Cornelius Gurlitt)住在慕尼黑一間約一千平方尺的房子裡,從來沒有銀行賬戶、無需交稅,也不接受社會福利救濟。他過著深居簡出的生活,但是不為人知的是,自從他繼承父親收藏的巨量畫作後,一直長期活於他無法忘掉的陰影以及父親的秘密中。

葛利特的父親希爾德布蘭(Hildebrand Gurlitt)在德國納粹時期,替納粹政權銷售墮落藝術品,當時第三帝國認等前衛的藝術創作都是墮落的,大部份被毀壞,或銷售換錢以資軍費。希爾德布蘭不僅沒有全數販賣納粹政權交託他的藝術品,而是將部分藝術品藏起來,此外,他又運用職權從博物館和猶太人手上把藝術品掠奪回來一併收藏,當中包括夏卡爾、畢卡索、馬蒂斯等名家的作品。

這些被認為早被納粹政權銷毀的畫作,卻在2013年被發現藏在葛利特的房子裡,收藏的名家畫作超過1400幅,總值超過13億歐元,而葛利特一瞬間成為無人不知的傳奇人物。在《Hitler’s Art Thief》一書中,作者Susan Ronald寫出一個比小說還要精彩的真實故事:希爾德布蘭如何成功地以第三帝國的名義掠奪一批批的藝術品?宛如真實版的電影【大尋寶家】(Monuments Men),他究竟如何欺騙納粹政權,是出於要保護畫作,或是另有企圖?




● 作者簡介

Susan Ronald,在美國出生成長,曾在英國居住長達25年,曾任5個政府部門和國際國民信託組織(The National Trust)的顧問。她著有《Heretic Queen: Queen Elizabeth I and the Wars of Religion》、《Shakespeare’s Daughter》、《The Pirate Queen》、《The Sancy Blood Diamond》和《France: Crossroads of Europe》等書,同時,是一家電影製作公司經營者,也是編劇暨電影製作人。


● 媒體報導

“Ronald (The Pirate Queen) provides a remarkably comprehensive telling of the Nazi’s massive looting of treasured artworks and the pivotal role the Gurlitts played… There are countless works related to Nazi Germany, but Ronald’s account provides an additional layer of knowledge that’s worth adding to your collection. Readers will gain a larger understanding of how art threads through society, what it means when those threads are unraveled, and the tragic effects of having your culture stolen and repurposed. They aren’t just paintings, indeed.”──Library Journal

“Hitler’s Art Thief is absolutely gripping from start to finish. Susan Ronald holds nothing back as she lays bare in merciless detail the cunning, greed, and hypocrisy that allowed Hitler’s willing accomplices, like the notorious Hildebrand Gurlitt, to feed off human misery to their hearts’ content. Everyone should read this book.”──Amanda Foreman, bestselling author of A World on Fire