Fighters in the Shadows: A New History of the French Resistance
Robert Gildea
UK: Faber/ US: Harvard University Press
Sep. 2015
● 內文簡介

★入圍英國最重要非小說獎2015年山謬強森獎(The Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction)初選
★知名戰地記者、暢銷冠軍作家Max Hastings盛情推薦!

沃爾夫森歷史獎(Wolfson History Prize)得主書寫法國二戰抵抗納粹運動的重要新史,描繪佔領時期政治宗教國籍背景各異人士的參與,重新檢視戰後的英雄主義神話,書寫深度及廣度前所未有!


作者Robert Gildea援引大量第一手資料,書信、日記、回憶錄與訪談,細膩譜寫出生動、真實具說服力的歷史,深度及廣度皆遠勝既有記載。考據資料涵蓋範圍之廣令人驚嘆,從法國男性女性的私人日記,來自各地的移民與流亡者,包括西班牙共和黨人、義大利反法西斯主義者、波蘭猶太人、德國反納粹者,還有拯救被迫害猶太人的基督教徒、北部礦區的共產黨人、法屬北非的前維琪政府的支持者,跳傘潛入境的英美情報員等。




● 作者簡介

Robert Gildea is Professor of Modern History at the University of Oxford, and one of the world's most eminent historians of modern France. His Marianne in Chains: Daily Life in the Heart of France During the German Occupation won the Wolfson Prize for History in 2002. His last book, Children of the Revolution: The French 1799-1914, was hailed as "masterly" and "a triumph" on its publication in 2008.


● 媒體報導

“Fascinating book...vivid and convincing history...often moving and illuminating...perhaps, in this thrilling story of anti-fascist solidarity between Polish Jews, French communists, Spanish republicans and German and Italian (and even Irish) anti-fascists, we can see the seeds of a possible new European identity.”——愛爾蘭時報
“The French Resistance remains one of the great moral tests of the 20th century, raising essential and often troubling questions about how ordinary people behave and define themselves in extraordinarily demanding and dangerous circumstances. Read this fine book, and wonder anew where you might have fitted in the kaleidoscope of resistance, defiance, acquiescence and collaboration.”——泰晤士報
“...as authoritative an arbitrator of truth and falsehood as we are likely to get, and his depiction of the heroes and heroines of the resistance commands belief, and sometimes awe... He does more than any French writer has achieved to lift the deadweight of mythology oppressing the era.”——Max Hastings,星期日泰晤士報
There have been many excellent recent books, both in French and in English...on France during the resistance years. What Gildea has done is to step back and look and the wider picture, thereby providing a context for the individual acts of courage, which he celebrates in moving detail. He gives recognition to the widest range of participants, many of them little known, and to the categories who did not fit well into the postwar myth of heroism, and that is perhaps his most important contribution to the field. (Caroline Moorhead Guardian)