The Boom: How Fracking Ignited the American Energy Revolution and Changed the World
Russell Gold
Simon & Schuster
Apr 2014
● 內文簡介

★《能源大探索》(The Quest)、《石油世紀》(The Prize)作者丹尼爾.尤金(Daniel Yergin)盛情推薦

《華爾街日報》資深能源調查記者Russell Gold耗費逾十年時間,鍥而不捨地追蹤報導當代最重要的一個現象:能源開採技術「水力壓裂法」(hydraulic fracturing or fracking)的快速興起!





● 作者簡介

Russell Gold,自2002年起為華爾街日報撰寫能源新聞報導。他針對壓裂法與頁岩氣開採撰寫的頭版新聞,是首度向大眾介紹改變全球能源產業的公司、科技、人物的報導作品。他對英國石油在墨西哥灣漏油事故的報導,獲得財經新聞最高榮譽羅布獎(Gerald Loeb Award)的殊榮,亦曾入圍普立茲獎決選。現居德州奧斯汀。


● 媒體報導

"Russell Gold’s The Boom is a double quest. He tells the story of the biggest innovation in energy so far in this century—the shale gas revolution. He captures the personalities, and the drama and surprises, and brings clarity to the debate about the environmental impact—and what it means for the U.S. economy and “energy independence.” But it’s also a more personal story – about “The Farm” in rural Pennsylvania where he spent time as a child, and his quest to understand what is happening in this new age of shale gas."——丹尼爾.尤金(Daniel Yergin),《能源大探索》(The Quest)、《石油世紀》(The Prize)作者

“Gold delivers an engaging and expansive education on the promise and risks involved with the sudden rise of fracking for oil and natural gas in the United States… Gold delivers a balanced analysis weighing the benefits (the reduced use of dirtier coal, an end to the reliance on foreign oil and foreign entanglements, and sudden and reliable abundance of energy supply) against the pitfalls (the impacts on the environment and quality of life as energy companies stampede to secure leases and rush to drill, often in populated areas). Worthy of the attention of both fracking’s boosters and opponents, Gold’s insightful reportage supplies a well-rounded view of a polarizing subject.” ——出版人周刊,星級書評