The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League
Jeff Hobbs
Sept. 2014
● 內文簡介

★美國國家書卷獎得主Andrew Solomon(《正午惡魔》、《Far from the Tree》)盛情推薦


小說家Jeff Hobbs當年成為耶魯大學新鮮人時,與本書主人翁羅伯特(Robert Peace)迅速成為好友,開始兩人長達四年的室友情誼。他在本書結合回憶錄、社會學分析與都市敘事,寫就好友令人唏噓的短暫一生,梳理背後錯綜複雜的原因,情感真摯,宛如緊扣人心的小說,亦是映照美國種族階級處境的悲歌。



作者誠實描繪羅伯特的各層人際關係,勉強度日的母親、被監禁的父親、老師、友人以及販毒同夥,《The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace》映現美國社會最根深柢固的衝突,將種族、階級、毒品、社群、教育等因素與家庭、友情、愛情細膩交織,亦不乏作者對大學生活的批判。羅伯特的故事體現兩個極孤立的世界——布滿常春藤的耶魯校園,與惡名昭彰的紐澤西紐華克——的碰撞,道盡從一者爬升至另一者,再選擇回去的艱難。



● 作者簡介

Jeff Hobbs grew up in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. He attended Yale University, where he won the Meeker Prize for his writing and the Gardner Millett Award for his running. After graduating with a BA in English language and literature, he wpent three years working as executive director for the African Rainforest Conservancy. His first novel, The Tourists, was published in 2007 by Simon & Schuster and was a national bestseller. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two children.


● 媒體報導

“If The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace were a novel, it would be a moral fable for our times; as nonfiction, it is one of the saddest and most devastating books I’ve ever read, a tour-de-force of compassion and insight, an exquisite elegy for a person, for a time of life, for a valid hope that nonetheless failed. It is also a profound reflection on a society that professes to value social mobility, but that often does not or cannot imbue privilege with justice. It is written with clarity, precision, and tenderness, without judgment, with immense kindness, and with a quiet poetry. Few books transform us, but this one has changed me forever.”—— Andrew Solomon,美國國家書卷獎得主,《Far From the Tree》、《正午惡魔》(Noonday Demon)作者

"Compelling... with novelistic detail and deep insight, Hobbs reveals a man whose singular experience and charisma made him simultaneously an outsider and a leader in both New Hampshire and Newark. This is a classic tragedy of a man who, with the best intentions, chooses an ineluctable path to disaster."——《出版人周刊》,星級書評

“Ambitious, moving tale. . . . Hobbs combines memoir, sociological analysis, and urban narrative elements, producing a perceptive page-turner regarding the life of his eponymous protagonist, also his college roommate. . . . Hobbs manages the ambiguities of what could be a grim tale by meticulously constructing environmental verisimilitude and unpacking the rituals of hardscrabble parochial schools, Yale secret societies, urban political machinations and Newark drug gangs. An urgent report on the state of American aspirations and a haunting dispatch from forsaken streets.” ——《科克斯評論》,星級書評