The War that Ended Peace: How the Europe Abandoned Peace for the First World War
Margaret MacMillan
Random House
Oct 2013
● 內文簡介

★ 榮獲2014年政治圖書獎年度最佳國際關係書籍(International Affairs Book of the Year at the Political Book Awards)!
★ 入圍2013年加拿大作家信託科恩政治寫作獎(Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing)決選
★ 入圍2013年山謬強森獎初選
★ 2013年《紐約時報》、《經濟學人》、《基督教科學箴言報》、《彭博商業周刊》、《環球郵報》年度最佳好書
★ 外語授權:阿爾巴尼亞、中簡、荷、法、希伯來、義、日、葡、巴西、羅、俄、西、土

◎ 符合加拿大藝術協會作品翻譯補助金計畫



獲獎歷史學家麥克米蘭(Margaret MacMillan)在《終結和平的戰爭》(The War that Ended Peace)裡,從十九世紀初寫到奧匈帝國王儲斐迪南大公遇刺,揭開將歐洲從和平帶往災厄的巨大政治與科技變革、國家決策,以及微小卻同樣具重要決定性的人的混亂與軟弱。作者生動描寫那些沒能阻止戰爭發生的軍事領袖、政客、外交人員、銀行家與歐洲錯綜複雜的龐大皇室貴族,穿梭其中的亦有提出警訊卻遭到忽略、願意促成和平的人士。



● 作者簡介

瑪格蕾特.麥克米蘭(Margaret MacMillan),加拿大出身歷史學家,在牛津大學取得博士學位,現為牛津大學國際歷史教授。著作包括榮獲2002年山謬強森獎的《和平製造者:一九一九年巴黎和會及其終戰嘗試》(Peacemaker)、國際暢銷書《Nixon in China》、《歷史的使用與濫用》(Uses and Abuses of History)等。


● 媒體報導

“One of the strengths of The War That Ended Peace is MacMillan’s ability to evoke the world at the beginning of the twentieth century. . . . MacMillan’s portraits of the men who took Europe to war are superb. . . . The logic of MacMillan’s argument is such that even now, as she leads us day by day, hour by hour through the aftermath of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, we expect some statesman or other to jump on the lighted fuse. . . . ‘There are always choices,’ MacMillan keeps reminding us.”——紐約時報書評,編輯選書

“Magnificent . . . The War That Ended Peace will certainly rank among the best books of the centennial crop. . . . [MacMillan] deftly navigates the roiling currents and counter-currents of the pre-war decades. . . . The Great War had a kaleidoscope of causes. Ms. MacMillan tackles them all, with [a] blend of detail and sweeping observation.”——經濟學人

“The debate over the war’s origins has raged for years. Ms. MacMillan’s explanation goes straight to the heart of political fallibility. Almost every assumption made by the leaders of Europe turned out to be wrong. Elegantly written, with wonderful character sketches of the key players, this is a book to be treasured.”——華爾街日報