Building a Better Teacher: How Teaching Works (and How to Teach It to Everyone)
Elisabeth Green
W. W. Norton & Company
Aug 2014
● 內文簡介


★《孩子如何成功》(How Children Succeed)作者Paul Tough、《教出最聰明的孩子》(The Smartest Kids in the World)作者Amanda Ripley、《給予》(Give and Take)作者華頓商學院教授Adam Grant盛情推薦!


《Building a Better Teacher》介紹了一群美國的新世代教育者,探索他們的教學背後錯綜複雜的道理。一名前任校長在研究美國國內的明星教師後,發現一套幫助學童專注的共通技巧。兩名數學教師將一整年的課堂錄影下來,從中發展出一種讓九歲孩子寫出複雜數學證明的方法。一名前高中教師與頂尖英語講師合作,精確找出一位教師要帶動充實的課堂討論應培養哪些關鍵互動。作者透過時而趣味橫生時而令人揪心的每日課堂故事,帶領我們進入這份任重道遠的職業的核心。

《Building a Better Teacher》以一堂數學課忠實的紀錄描寫開場,課堂其實就是一場迫切的決定與嫻熟的帶領交夾的戲劇,進而闡明教學之中意想不到的複雜性。作者聚焦幾個最重要的問題:教師如何做好準備,他們在踏入教室前應該了解什麼?如何讓學生年輕的心智進行推論、猜測、證明與理解?培養良好紀律的關鍵為何?作者融合來自認知心理學、教育專家、無畏的教室實業家的最新研究成果,提供家長一種新的方法,判斷孩子需要怎樣的教學,思考如何發展好的想法。最重要的,她發現優秀的教學是一種可學習的技巧,優秀的老師是可以被教出來的!


● 作者簡介

Elisabeth Green,非盈利教育新聞組織Chalkbeat共同創始人、執行長暨總編輯。哥倫比亞大學新聞學院斯賓塞獎學金得主(Spencer Fellow),撰述發表於紐約時報雜誌等刊物。


● 媒體報導

“We romanticize teachers, and we vilify them, but we don't do much to help. This beautifully written, defiantly hopeful book points the way to a better future for American teachers and the children they teach.”——Paul Tough,暢銷書《孩子如何成功》(How Children Succeed)作者

“In this fascinating and accessible book, Elizabeth Green tells the story of the country's leading researchers on the all-important questions of what makes for an effective classroom teacher and how teachers can be trained to do their jobs better. That the story feels completely fresh is testament not only to Green’s skill as a reporter and writer but also to how beside-the-point much of the national conversation about education is. Green’s book ought to persuade the country to focus on what really matters in education.”——Nicholas Lemann,哥倫比亞大學新聞學院教授與榮譽主任

“Elizabeth Green reveals, in cinematic detail, what makes great teaching such a dazzling intellectual challenge—and why it has taken us so unforgivably long to care. A must-read book for every American teacher and taxpayer.”—— Amanda Ripley,《教出最聰明的孩子》(The Smartest Kids in the World)作者

“Great education is the foundation of a flourishing society, and it depends on great teachers. Building a Better Teacher illuminates how we can develop gifted educators who prepare children for a brighter future. With strong evidence and compelling cases, Elizabeth Green has written an important book that every educator ought to read.”——Adam Grant,華頓商學院教授、暢銷書《給予》(Give and Take)作者