Empty Mansions: The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune
Bill Dedmana and Paul Clark Newell
Ballantine Books
April 2014
● 內文簡介

★紐約時報書評家馬斯林(Janet Maslin)選為年度好書

普立茲文學獎獲獎記者比爾‧狄德曼(Bill Dedman)在2009年關注到一幢近六十年沒人居住的豪宅拍賣時,似乎打開塵封已久的任意門,回顧美國近代史。

《Empty Mansions》敘述一個十九世紀鍍金年代崛起的富裕,橫跨到二十一世紀一場超過三憶美元的遺產爭奪戰,而其核心人物就是美國最神秘富婆休姬特‧克拉克(Huguette Clark),她在2011年以104歲高齡辭世。她死後無人繼承的龐大遺產,成為親戚好友覬覦的一塊肥肉。

克拉克是銅礦大亨威廉安德魯克拉克(William Andrews Clark)之女。他父親坐擁財富可媲美石油大王洛克菲勒。克拉克從小就在富裕生活下成長,與父母、兄弟姊妹住著紐約一幢擁有121間房間的豪宅。她酷愛收藏名畫和洋娃娃,擁有雷諾瓦、莫內、竇加等畫家的價值連城畫作、世界最有名的義大利智琴師傅史特拉第瓦里(Stradivarius)的小提琴、索價不斐的古董洋娃娃。



比爾‧狄德曼與克拉克的堂兄弟Paul Clark Newell,他也是少數在克拉克生前經常聯繫的親戚,共同敘述克拉克最傳奇的一生。


● 作者簡介

When Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Bill Dedman noticed a grand estate in Connecticut that had sat empty for nearly sixty years, he had no idea that he was stumbling onto one of the greatest American stories of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries--complete with copper barons, Gilded Age opulence, backdoor politics, and a reclusive 104-year-old heiress named Huguette Clark. His series of stories about the Clarks became the most popular feature in the history of NBC's news web site, topping 105 million page views.

Bill is an investigative reporter for NBC. He received the 1989 Pulitzer Prize in investigative reporting for his work for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He got his start in journalism at 16 as a copy boy at The Chattanooga Times, and has written for The Boston Globe, The Washington Post and The New York Times.

Paul Clark Newell Jr., cousin of Huguette Clark and grand nephew of Senator William Andrews Clark (Huguette's father), Newell is one of the few persons admitted into regular communication with with the reclusive Huguette in the last 20 years of her life.

As the informal historian of the Clark family Newell enjoys acquaintance with many of the living descendants of Senator Clark and his siblings, and has known others no longer living, including a few who knew Huguette as a child and as a young woman.

Writing has been incidental to Newell in various enterprises subsequent to his experience as editor of the college newspaper at his alma mater, Occidental College.


● 媒體報導