The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories
Marina Keegan
Apr 2014
● 內文簡介


★《西方正典》作者,著名文學教授暨評論家哈洛﹛卜倫(Harold Bloom)
《溫柔酒吧》作者,普立茲獎得主JR莫林格(J. R. Moehringer)

2012年五月,Marina Keegan以優異成績從耶魯大學畢業時,她的前途是一片燦爛。她創作的音樂劇即將在紐約國際藝穗節上演,知名雜誌《紐約客》也有一份工作等著她赴任。不幸的是,畢業後五天,一場車禍驟然奪走了這個才華洋溢的年輕生命。

Marina Keegan的家人、朋友與同學在悲痛中舉辦了追念儀式,而她畢業前夕在校報發表的最後一篇散文〈孤獨的反義詞〉(The Opposite of Loneliness)開始在網路上被熱烈分享轉載,竟吸引超過140萬人次點閱。這不僅是因為文中洋溢的無限可能性與現實的對比過於令人震驚惋惜,更在於她說中了廣大同代人的心聲。

Marina Keegan年僅二十二歲,已在身後留下豐富的創作,慧黠的文字時而詩意,時而大膽,力道十足,充分捕捉到這世代的希望、徬徨與可能性。《孤獨的反義詞》本書收錄了她的散文與短篇故事作品,宛如《最後的演講》(The Last Lecture),道出每個人在人生關口都會經歷的摸索與掙扎:什麼才是屬於我的志向與夢想?如何善用自己的才能為世界帶來改變?

耶魯大學著名文學教授暨評論家哈洛﹛卜倫(Harold Bloom)在推薦與中表達了痛失愛徒的遺憾,除了讚譽Marina Keegan的寫作造詣,更點出她對同代人的呼籲——在專業主義的職涯追求之外,更應將年輕的活力與驕傲投注於自我發展,試圖改善這個社會。

〈孤獨的反義詞〉全文最後結束在這句話:「We’re in this together, 2012. Let’s make something happen to this world.」她的生命永遠停駐在2012,而曾幾何時安於舒適圈的人們,心頭將無可迴避地重重一震。


● 作者簡介

Marina Keegan (1989-2012),獲獎作家、記者、劇作家、詩人、演員、社運者。非小說作品曾發表於《紐約時報》,小說曾在《紐約客》網站NewYorker.com刊載、獲NPR短篇小說podcast節目(Selected Shorts)選讀,音樂劇作《Independents》獲選《紐約時報》Critics’ Pick。她發表於《耶魯每日報》(The Yale Daily News)的生前最後一篇散文〈孤獨的反面〉(The Opposite of Loneliness)被全球讀者瘋狂轉載,來自98國超過140萬人點閱。更多資訊請參考網站:TheOppositeofLoneliness.com.


● 媒體報導

“In her brief life Marina Keegan managed to achieve a precocious literary mastery. Her wry, wise, lyrical voice is unforgettable, and her vital, exuberant spirit reminds us powerfully to seize the day. Though every sentence throbs with what might have been, this remarkable collection is ultimately joyful and inspiring, because it represents the wonder that she was.”—— JR莫林格(J. R. Moehringer),普立茲獎得主,紐約時報暢銷書《溫柔酒吧》(The Tender Bar)作者

"I will never cease mourning the loss of my beloved former student Marina Keegan. This book gives partial evidence of the extraordinary promise that departed with her. Throughout she manifests authentic dramatic invention and narrative skill. Beyond all those, she makes a vital appeal to everyone in her generation not to waste their gifts in mere professionalism but instead to invest their youthful pride and exuberance both in self-development and in the improvement of our tormented society.” ——哈洛﹛卜倫(Harold Bloom),耶魯大學人文與英國文學教授,著名文學教授暨評論家,《西方正典》(The Western Canon)作者

"Illuminates the optimism and neurosis felt by new grads everywhere. . .Like every millenial who's seen irony elevated to an art form, Keegan brings self-awareness to the collective insecurity of her peers even as she captures it with a precision that only comes from someone who feels it too. How unfortunate that she will never know the value readers will find in her work."——出版人周刊