Smarter: The New Science of Building Brain Power
Dan Hurley
Hudson Street Press
Dec 2013
● 內文簡介


★《未來在等待的人才》(A Whole New Mind)作者Daniel H. Pink、《心態致勝》(Mindset: The New Psychology of Success)作者Carol Dweck、《運動黃金20分鐘》(The First 20 Minutes)作者Gretchen Reynolds 盛情推薦!





科學記者Dan Hurley在本書透過生動的真實改變故事,為不同年齡層、能力程度各異的大眾提供極具實用性的發現。他以犀利機智的筆調敘述自己擔任實驗白老鼠的經歷,他親自試驗坊間各種大腦訓練課程、學習彈奏魯特琴、健身,甚至還接受穿顱直電流刺激(transcranial directcurrent stimulation)。他的流動智力在經過訓練課程之後提升了16%!

《Smarter》引人入勝地檢視這種新科學的興起,並為渴望更能解決問題、發想創意、學習新事物的人提供實用參考指南,喜愛《記憶人人hold得住》(Moonwalking with Einstein)、《Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain》的讀者不容錯過。


● 作者簡介

Dan Hurley,獲獎科學記者,智能研究主題的報導文章曾發表於《紐約時報雜誌》、《華盛頓郵報》、《今日神經學》(Neurology Today)、《發現》雜誌等。 2012年在《紐約時報雜誌》的特別專題〈Can You Make Yourself Smarter?〉是該雜誌年度閱讀率最高的報導之一。2013年同樣刊載於《紐約時報雜誌》的另一篇文章〈Jumper Cables for the Mind〉描述他接受穿顱直接電流刺激的經驗。在美國公共電視網(PBS)2013年8月的特別節目「Smarter Brains」中擔任特派記者。更多資訊請參考個人網站:http://www.danhurley.com/


● 媒體報導

“Smarter is an essential read. It's a riveting look at the birth of a new science as well as a user’s manual for anyone who wants to be better at solving problems, learning new things, and coming up with creative ideas.”——Daniel H. Pink,《Drive》、《未來在等待的人才》(A Whole New Mind)作者

“Hurley captures the history and mystery of intelligence, but, most of all, the exciting new science of intellectual growth. This may be the most important revolution of our time!”——Carol Dweck,《心態致勝》(Mindset: The New Psychology of Success)作者

“Dan Hurley isolates just what cognitive exercise boosts intelligence. Anyone who doubts that environment can make a real difference to cognition should start with this book.”——James R. Flynn author of What is Intelligence

“Filled with beautifully explained science, Smarter is engaging and inspiring, offering much-needed hope to those of us whose smarts seem to be declining. Smarter, in fact, is that rare thing: enjoyable reading that can also improve your life.”——Gretchen Reynolds,《運動黃金20分鐘》(The First 20 Minutes)作者