The Far Traveller : Voyages of a Viking Woman
Jennifer Gilmore
Nancy Marie Brown
October 2007
● 內文簡介

《遠方旅行家 :一位北歐女人的航行》 (The Far Traveller) 一書在 2007年10月出版,美國書評人已大力推薦此書。《 USA Today 》和《 Conde Nast Traveler 》雜誌在九月號列選了今 年秋季出版的五本必讀「 新經典著作 」( The New Classics ),其中包括有:知名暢銷作家 Jack Kerouac 的最新版本《 On the Road: The Original Scroll 》;還有《遠方旅遊家》這一本 描寫在西班牙航海家哥倫布發現新大陸的五百年前,一位北歐女人乘船橫渡新世界大西洋的航海冒險傳奇 (以下有詳細的英文書訊) ,是最佳的旅遊冒險文學著作 。以下是其連結網站資訊:

Here's link to the USA Today story:


Conde Nast's online version:


Five hundred years before Columbus , a Viking woman named Gudrid sailed off the edge of the known world. She landed in the New World and lived there for three years, giving birth to a baby before sailing home. Or so the Icelandic sagas say. Even after archaeologists found a Viking longhouse in Newfoundland , no one believed that the details of Gudrid's story were true. Then, in 2001, a team of scientists discovered what may have been this pioneering woman's last house, buried under a hay field in Iceland , just where the sagas suggested it could be. Joining scientists experimenting with cutting-edge technology and the latest archaeological techniques, and tracing Gudrid's steps on land and in the sagas, Nancy Marie Brown reconstructs a life that spanned—and expanded—the bounds of the then-known world. She also sheds new light on the society that gave rise to a woman even more extraordinary than legend has painted her and illuminates the reasons for its collapse.


● 作者簡介

南茜.瑪麗.布朗(Nancy Marie Brown),譽滿全球的暢銷書作家。1977年進入賓夕法尼亞州立大學攻讀英語專業(寫作方向),取得比較文學碩士學位(亞瑟王和冰島傳奇方向)。通曉冰島語和古挪威語。1981年開始科學寫作生涯,專注於冰島和維京人的研究,融合了中世紀文學、考古學、神話傳說和史實。三十年來,始終在賓州州立大學從事寫作和編輯工作。現在和四匹冰島馬、一隻冰島牧羊犬居住在佛蒙特州北部。著有《維京之歌》(Song of the Vikings)、《 遠方旅行家 :一位北歐女人的航行》(The Far Traveler)、《孟德爾的廚房》(Mendel in the Kitchen)、《好馬沒有顏色》(A Good Horse Has No Color)、《象牙維京人》(Ivory Vikings)。


● 媒體報導