非文學類 (回憶錄)
Body Counts: A Memoir of Politics, Sex, AIDS and Survival
Sean Strub
Jan. 2014
● 內文簡介

Sean Strub——開創性愛滋新知平台《潑茲》雜誌(POZ)創辦人、首位競選美國國會議員的公開HIV帶原者、90年代愛滋運動團體ACT UP的主要募款召集人——在回憶錄《Body Counts》中回顧了他非凡的一生,紀錄了美國愛滋運動史上最關鍵的時刻,更是一段面對失去、希望與存活之艱難的動人見證。

1976年,Sean Strub來到華盛頓特區就讀喬治城大學,一邊在參議院擔任電梯服務員打工,是個胸懷政治熱誠的新鮮人,只是,他必須小心藏著一個秘密:對同性的愛慕。然而,當他在國會逐步拓展政治社交圈,他也窺見了另一個世界,原來,眾多有權有勢的男人都在羞恥陰霾中過著雙面人生。

當愛滋病在1980年代初出現時,Strub住在紐約,他很快發現自己參加的葬禮數目開始多於生日派對。既驚恐又憤怒的他投身愛滋運動對抗污名,要求更多研究。隨後,Strub將帶領讀者走過他被確診的時刻,並且深入ACT UP這個促成史上最重要政治運動之一的愛滋運動組織內部。

從紐約的54俱樂部(Studio 54)與安迪沃荷的工廠,LGBT性別平權運動、愛滋運動與政治的交鋒,到聖派崔克大教堂裡、參議員Jesse Helms住家前的驚人抗議活動,Strub娓娓道來的故事處處是珍貴的歷史。《Body Counts》生動描繪了一個動盪的時代,其中出場的重要人物包括田納西‧威廉斯(Tennessee Williams)、高爾‧維達(Gore Vidal)、凱斯‧哈林(Keith Haring)、柯林頓(Bill Clinton)、小野洋子等等。



● 作者簡介

Sean Strub,社會運動家、作家、對抗HIV帶原污名的「Sero Project」執行負責人。創辦愛滋新知平台《潑茲》雜誌,常受邀演講HIV/AIDS、自我賦權、性/公共衛生/法律交界等主題。生於愛荷華市,就讀喬治城大學、哥倫比亞大學。現與伴侶居住在紐約及賓州米爾福德。


● 媒體報導

“While Sean Strub resists seeing himself as a ‘hero,’ this inspiring book proves he is the voice of a community of people who are exactly that, heroes—him most definitely included. This is an important book, a vital history of ordinary people rising up and demonstrating the potential inherent in this extraordinary country. But Body Counts also highlights the all-too-human flaws and systemic failures that have kept us from reaching it. Although at times it is agonizing to remember and relive our past, Sean’s articulate, and humane memoir transforms this pain into a hope for a better future. This is the most personally powerful and authentic portrayal of our collective history that I have read since Paul Monette's On Borrowed Time."——Judith Light,美國演員

“What a life! From the Senate elevator to Studio 54 to Andy Warhol and Tennessee Williams, Gore Vidal and John Lennon to the famous demonstration inside St. Patrick’s Cathedral--who is this guy, Forest Gump? This is the compelling life and near-death story of Sean Strub, of thousands lost to HIV-AIDS, and thousands more living with it whom his activism helped save. Wow.”——Andrew Tobias, author of The Best Little Boy in the World