The Lineup: The World’s Greatest Crime Writers Tell the Inside Story of their Greatest Detectives
Otto Penzier
Little Brown
Nov. 2010
● 內文簡介


李查德(Lee Child)、柯林.德克斯特(Colin Dexter)、亞歷山大.史密斯(Alexander McCall Smith)的名字會讓你想起什麼?是浪人神探傑克.李奇、神探英爾思和堅強淑女偵探社的寶惜.蘭馬翠嗎?讀者通常都會把書中主角與作者聯想起來,但是現實生活中,這些推理、犯罪和驚悚小說家如何看待他們筆下創作的小說人物?在《Lineup》一書裡,將由他們親自向讀者陳述。


在本書中,邁克爾.康納利(Michael Connelly)告訴讀者如何從現實生活中激發創造了Harry Bosch;李查德筆下的傑克.李奇為什麼是他的王;亞歷山大.史密斯述說一次短暫奇遇而創造了寶惜.蘭馬翠等靈感由來。

讀者認識故事英雄人物傑克.李奇始於1997年3月17日,那天是李.查德首本小說《Killing Floor》的發行日,但對作者來說,李奇的誕生日在1988年的元旦前夕,在此之前,李查德讀過許多推理小說,他最受不了書中主角總是做蠢事,然後在最後一刻突然變得聰明勇敢又有智慧。他認為,讀者不會記得書中的陰謀佈局,但是一定會對主角擁有先入為主的深刻印象,因此對他來說,主角就是小說中的王,於是他創造了王者——傑克.李奇。

《Lineup》這本書收錄了21位世界知名犯罪推理小說家分享他們創造筆下知名故事主角的歷程。除了李查德、柯林.德克斯特、亞歷山大.史密斯之外,John Connolly、Jeffrey Deaver、John Lescroart、Carol O’Connell以及Robert B. Parker等小說家也在書中分享其創作。


● 作者簡介

Otto Penzler,是The Mysterious Bookshop的經營者,也是許多推理小說的編輯,他曾兩度拿下「愛倫坡獎」,得獎著作包括了《Lineup》和《The Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection》。此外,他於1994年和2003年分别榮獲「Ellery Queen Award」和「Raven Award」。前者讚揚他出版推理小說的貢獻,後者則表揚他經營推理小說書店的貢獻。


● 媒體報導

"The best book of its kind.... An exciting omnibus volume that has widespread appeal and adds up to much, much more than the sum of its parts....delivering memorable revelations about the mystery genre and its different incarnations....Candor is no small part of this collection's great value. Time and again these crime writers return to the same questions: Is your character like you? Where did the character's name come from? How did you get published? The answers are always interesting."──New York Times Janet Maslin

"The natural bridge between authorial intention and reader demand. After all, who are more equipped to discourse on the origins, the motivations, the foibles, and the triumphs of their life's work than some of the best-known and most successful mystery and thriller writers on the planet?"──Los Angeles Times Sarah Weinman

"Fiery....The authors take different approaches, but all offer an opportunity to see a familiar character in a new way....It's also a great way to get a taste of some of the series you haven't read yet."──NPR.org Maureen Corrigan