Coming Clean: A Memoir
Kimberly Rae Miller
New Harvest
July 2013
● 內文簡介

★ 美國亞馬遜7月選書、Kindle精選25本好書

★ ABC、CBS、NPR、Daily Beast、《時人》雜誌……媒體爭相採訪報導

★ 《華爾街日報》、美國亞馬遜暢銷書!

★ 美國亞馬遜讀者給予5顆星好評推薦!






《Coming Clean》是一段坦誠動人的回望,作者正視自己的根源與深刻影響她的關係,訴說了一個在自己的家真正尋得平靜的故事。


● 作者簡介

Kimberly Rae Miller,紐約作家、演員。她關於飲食、運動、正面身體形象的文章曾刊載於Condé Nast出版集團旗下的Elastic Waist部落格、雅虎女性生活部落格Shine、Social Workout網站、《Figure》雜誌。此外,她為CBS廣播電台與紐約CBS撰寫紐約生活、名人新聞、購物等主題。2010年創意職涯指南《Creative Girl: The Ultimate Guide for Turning Talent and Creativity into a Real Career》收錄了她的故事。部落格:TheKimChallenge.com


● 媒體報導

“This searing tale of the damage caused by the disease reflects Miller's deep consideration of her experience; it is a deeply affecting, remarkably thoughtful, and well-reasoned book, yet the horror is always there. One can only admire Miller's courage in coming clean.”——Bridget Thoreson《書單》,星級書評

“…offers a uniquely nuanced look at her intelligent, loving, but broken father and the enduring effect his affliction has had on her and her long-suffering mother."——《娛樂週刊》

"Harrowing… As a child Miller realized her family wasn’t like other people’s families with tidy, presentable homes; far from it. Miller never invited anyone home and had to adopt a 'decoy' house to be dropped off at by friends… Stuff and unused purchases were piled so high that little room was left for the family even to eat or sleep or use the bathrooms."——《出版人週刊》

"Miller renders her harrowing account without self-pity, and her empathy for her parents, as well as her refusal to treat the hoarding as a spectacle, allow space for redemption—both theirs and her own."——《Elle》

"Harrowing. You root for [Kim], you root for [her parents], and at the end, you marvel at the capacity for human resilience."——《時人》雜誌

"An engrossing, sympathetic exploration of living with hoarder parents."——《科克斯評論》

"Astonishingly honest and heartfelt… Kimberly Rae Miller’s new memoir comes clean on how the reality of compulsive hoarding is very different from what we see on TV."——《The Daily Beast》

"Kimberly Rae Miller is a brave and gifted writer, and her insightful examination of her troubled relationship with her parents will speak to anyone who has every struggled to hide a family secret. Coming Clean is a standout coming-of-age memoir. A must read."——Kjerstin Gruys, author of Mirror, Mirror Off the Wall