In the City of Bikes: The Story of the Amsterdam Cyclist
Pete Jordan
April 2013
● 內文簡介

★ 美國亞馬遜書店讀者給予五顆星好評!

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本書作者Pete Jordan初抵阿姆斯特丹時,是為了研究如何將當地腳踏車文化帶進美國,沒想到他最後愛上這個建立起「兩個輪子」生活方式的城市。

當作者騎著腳踏車穿越阿姆斯特丹每座橋及蜿蜒小徑時,也對這個城市的腳踏車文化歷史甚感興趣。書中,他從1890年代腳踏車被視為是個娛樂消遣開始說起,再到1920年代腳踏車騎上街頭的風行、納粹統治時期、1960年代的White Bikes,延續到現代推崇的腳踏車便利生活型態。這本書敘述阿姆斯特丹推行騎腳踏車的發展。



● 作者簡介

Pete Jordan is the author of Dishwasher: One Man's Quest to Wash Dishes in All Fifty States. He has lived in Amsterdam since 2002.


● 媒體報導

“A funny, engaging, and exhaustively researched tribute to Amsterdam’s unique biking history….Jordan is an honest, self-effacing narrator, and there’s much that’s lovably comic about his inauguration into Amsterdam cyclo-culture.”──Los Angeles Times

“A charming and quirky book....Jordan’s portrait of bicycle culture in Amsterdam gives a fascinating account of a viable alternative to dependence on cars.” ──Christian Science Monitor

“This highly readable book illuminates the bicycle’s integral role in shaping both the psyche and the actual city of Amsterdam.”──Houston Chronicle

“For anyone contemplating visiting or living in The Netherlands, In the City of Bikes is a must read.”──New York Journal of Books

“Full of personal anecdote, self-deprecating humor, local lore and a history of cycling that positively bursts with enthusiasm, In the City of Bikesis both a memoir and an ode to bicycles”──Shelf Awareness

“[W]hat could have been a straightforward history [is] something more special: history that doesn’t feel like history--just an enjoyable story from start to finish….An excellent choice for bikers and those who appreciate how a city’s history can be changed by the simplest of passions.”──Kirkus Reviews

“Jordan brings depth and color to a niche subject, delivering an engaging cultural history. By the end, readers will understand that the bike is to Amsterdam what the car is to America. Both are more than modes of transportation: they’re a substantial part of their riders’ identities.”──Publishers Weekly