Color Blind: The Forgotten Team that Broke Baseball’s Color Line
Tom Dunkel
Atlantic Monthly Press
April 2013
● 內文簡介


美國經濟大蕭條時期,遠在深受旱災所苦的北達科塔州,出現了棒球史上最不可思議的其中一支隊伍,召集者更是運動界極為意想不到的人物。在俾斯麥市,克萊斯勒汽車經銷商尼爾・邱吉爾(Neil Churchill)不分種族簽下所能找到最棒的球員,塑造出一支突破種族分野、廣納各方好手的勁旅,當時距離傑基・羅賓森(Jackie Robinson)成為第一位打進大聯盟的黑人球員還有十多年!獲獎記者Tom Dunkel在《超越膚色的棒球:一支被遺忘的球隊的故事》(Color Blind: The Forgotten Team that Broke Baseball’s Color Line)講述了這支球隊不同凡響、振奮人心,卻幾乎遭到遺忘的故事。

棒球熱潮在美國內戰結束後席捲全國,獨立、半職業及市立聯盟如雨後春筍般在各地出現,特別是沒有大聯盟球隊的地區(在當時便是華盛頓特區以南,聖路易以西的全部地區)。《超越膚色的棒球》讓讀者置身於獨立棒球狂野美妙的世界,在激烈的競爭中處處可見獨樹一格的新意:有全由兄弟組成的球隊、監獄服刑者的球隊(可想而知,他們只能打主場比賽),還有宗教性公社成員的隊伍,隊員全蓄著舊約聖經式的長鬍。不過最引人注目的莫過於俾斯麥這支從旱土拔地而生的隊伍,在運動領域的種族分界依然嚴格的時代孕育了多元的比賽環境,旗下球員包括後來榮登大聯盟名人堂、生涯拿下兩千2000勝的傳奇黑人投手薩奇・佩吉(Satchel Paige)。



● 作者簡介

Tom Dunkel,獲獎自由作家,為華盛頓郵報、運動畫刊、週日紐約時報雜誌、華爾街日報等主要新聞媒體雜誌撰述報導的經歷超過二十五年。現居華盛頓特區,這是他的第一本著作。


● 媒體報導

“Award-winning journalist Dunkel has not only researched and presented a virtually forgotten but very significant piece of sports history, he has also done it in a very entertaining, narrative nonfiction style. The principals, particularly Churchill and his players (including Satchel Paige) just simply come alive. Baseball fans will cherish this book, and it will become required reading among those who feel we can better understand today’s racial tensions by looking to the past. “——《書單》星級書評

"A decade before Jackie Robinson broke the Major League Baseball color line in 1947, an integrated team captured the imagination of Bismarck, North Dakota . . . Dunkel delves into the history of players, towns, and baseball itself in constructing this portrait of a harmonious team rising above a segregated society. . . . a story that transcends championships, and an inspirational reflection on an otherwise dismal human rights history."——《出版人週刊》

"Give an exceptional storyteller an exceptional story to tell, and you just might wind up with a book as good as Tom Dunkel's Color Blind."——Gene Weingarten,華盛頓郵報專欄作家,普立茲獎兩屆得主

“This remarkable story is about race relations, American history, and the potential of the national pastime to affect the national conscience.”— —Chuck Haga,《明尼亞波里星壇報》