The Business of Baby: What Doctors Don't Tell You, What Corporations Try to Sell You, and How to Put Your Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Before Their Bottom Line
Jennifer Margulis
April 2013
● 內文簡介

《The Business of Baby》結合嚴謹的調查報導與第一人稱敘事,挑戰我們對於懷孕、生產、嬰兒照護所持有的種種習以為常的觀念,揭露這些在文化根深柢固的作法往往沒有最佳的科學根據,而是在醫療產業、藥廠、企業複雜的利益糾葛中扭曲的結果,恐有傷害母親與嬰兒健康之虞,令人大開眼界同時心生警惕。

美國獲獎記者、育兒雜誌《Mothering》特約編輯Jennifer Margulis,深入訪問家長、醫師、助產士、護士、醫療服務管理者與科學家,發現諸多驚人事實:

孕期維他命(prenatal vitamins)含有致癌成分;



● 作者簡介

Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.,獲獎記者、育兒雜誌《Mothering》特約編輯,撰述散見《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》、《史密森尼雜誌》、《Ms.雜誌》、《More》、《Parents》、《Fit》 、《Pregnancy》、《Parenting》等刊物。報導曾入選《美國最佳科學著作》選集。曾在公共電視台紀錄片《疫苗戰爭》(The Vaccine War)中評論,固定於Family.com發表文章,該網站一個月點擊數即超過五百萬人次。


● 媒體報導

“Pregnancy and childbirth are wildly vulnerable times, and one is desperate to put one's faith in the doctor. Jennifer Margulis reveals why that trust is sometimes misplaced, and helps us to make wise choices when the stakes are high. This is a must-read book for parents and parents-to-be,and for the medical professionals who care for us.”--Harriet Lerner, Ph.D.,《生氣的藝術:運用憤怒改善女性的親密關係》(Dance of Anger)作者

"A new mother's first instinct is to protect her newborn. But how can she best do that in a consumer culture so focused on its bottom line? The Business of Baby exposes some hard and shocking facts about how even the most well-meaning American parents unwittingly buy into systems that do documented harm. Thought-provoking and exhaustively researched, this book is destined to inspire much-needed dialogue about the current American way of birthing and caring for our young."--Hope Edelman,暢銷書《沒有母親的女兒》(Motherless Daughters)、《女兒的靈界朋友》(The Possibility of Everything) 作者

“Jennifer Margulis's searing and well-researched exposé is a must-read for expectant mothers. Whether she is discussing common obstetric practices, circumcision, vaccination, breastfeeding, bottlefeeding, diapering, or choosing a pediatrician, she points the way to rational, health-based decision-making.”--Ina May Gaskin,The Farm助產中心創辦人

“Worthyof close consideration by parents.”--科克斯評論