暢銷作家Steve Brown審思基督真理 |
非文學類(宗教智慧) |
更新日期: |
2006-07-10 |
What Was I Thinking: Things I’ve Learned Since I Knew It All |
Steve Brown |
Harward Books |
July 2006 |
256p |
書籍編號: |
03-192 |
已有樣書,歡迎索書審閱! |
● 內文簡介 |
《What Was I Thinking》is a new take on old Christian truths from the CBA-bestselling author Steve Brown of A Scandalous Freedsom.
It takes an honest man to stand up and admit he was wrong - to say right out that he didn’t know what he was talking about. That’s exactly the stance that Steve Brown takes in his bold look at old thinking, as he shares some things he’s learned since he knew it all. Things like:
God is a lot bigger than I thought he was
Jesus is a lot more radical than I thought he was
The battle is a lot more supernatural than I thought it was
People are a lot worse than I thought they were
People are a lot better than I thought they were
Self-righteousness is a lot more dangerous than I thought it was
Obedience is a lot more difficult than I thought it was
Love is a lot stronger than I thought it was
As Brown says in the Introduction, “I’m tired of glib answers to hard questions, irrelevant ‘God’s words,’ and stark, cold foundations on which no house has ever been built.” It is a book full of second thoughts on matters of first important.
● 作者簡介 |
Steve Brown is a radio broadcaster for Key Life, seminary professor, and author of numerous books including A Scandalous Freedom, Born Free, When Being Good Isn’t Good Enough, and When Your Rope Breaks. His website is www.keylife.org.
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