「熱情、詩意、強烈,文字優美,飽含機智與清澈的思考。普麗賽拉‧厄帕創作出一部探討愛、家人、童年與發現的獨特故事,教人難以忘懷。」--賽門‧蒙提費歐里 (Simon Sebag Montefiore), 暢銷書《耶路撒冷三千年》(Jerusalem: the Biography)作者
「這趟對失散母親的追尋打破我們對親職的迷思。這是一個描述家庭悲劇、電影幻夢、語言療癒力量的故事,一本優美、予人救贖的書。」--Katherine Frank,《Indira: The Life of Indira Nehru Gandhi》作者
"The rigorousness of the structure and the sentence-to-sentence quality of the writing here is borderline-heroic considering the rawness of the scenario. The 10 years it's taken Uppal to write this book have done so little to diminish its intimacy and immediacy. Projection is a book that's simultaneously cerebral and visceral, and its ardent refusal of any sort of mind-body split – to sacrifice sophistication for sentiment or vice versa – is the sign of an author who has thrown herself wholly into her work. We're exhausted and relieved when Uppal emerges from her brief encounter in one piece; happily, her volatile, pressurized book holds itself together as well."--National Post
"Uppal's carefully crafted memoir illustrates the way art and life mesh in our mental fabric."--環球郵報