I Know You Got Soul
Jeremy Clarkson
Penguin Books
June 2006
● 內文簡介

★《I Know You Got Soul》一書在2004年10月首先出版精裝本,賣出了15萬本暢銷銷量。

★2006年5月,Penguin Books出版此書的平裝本,出版至今三個月就賣出近50萬本。


It will come as no surprise to anyone that Jeremy Clarkson loves machines. But it's not just any old bucket of bolts, cogs and bearings that puts that rings his bell. In fact, he's scoured the length and breadth of the land, plunged into oceans and taken to the skies in search of those rare machines with that elusive certain something.

And along the way he's discovered: the safest place to be in the event of nuclear war; who would win if Superman, James Bond and The Terminator had a fight; the stupidest person he's ever met; what an old Cornish institution called Arthur has to do with 0898 chat lines; and how Jean Claude Van Damme might get eaten by a lion...

In "I Know You Got Soul", Jeremy Clarkson tells the stories of the geniuses, innovators and crackpots who put the ghost in the machine. From Brunel's SS Great Britain to the Spitfire and from the woeful - but inspiring - Graf Zeppelin to Han Solo's Millennium Falcon, they were built by people who love them - and we can't help but love them in return.


● 作者簡介

Jeremy Clarkson made his name presenting a poky motoring programme on BBC2 called Top Gear. He left to forge a career in other directions but made a complete hash of everything and ended up back on Top Gear again. He lives with his wife, Francie, and three children in Oxfordshire. Despite this, he has a clean driving licence.


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