We’re with You
The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Running Press
Summer 2013
● 內文簡介

被公認為最重要和最受歡迎的另類搖滾樂團The Red Hot Chili Peppers,過去已出版過有關樂團發展和成員的音樂歷的書,這一次由樂迷分享對樂團的成長的感受,書中除了有多年來的樂團表演照片外,也搜集了樂迷的狂熱的照片,是第一本結合樂團與樂迷雙向交流的書。

A lot of major rock bands have done fan-appreciation books that have been published with success. Even though these books can still top the charts, they more often than not follow a stale formula, offering materials that might seem fresh to casual fans, but run-of-the-mill to diehard enthusiasts. Simply put, these kinds of books have become conventional, The Red Hot Chili Peppers have already done the traditional book with their oral/visual history and now they want to turn trite genre conventions on their ear.

Instead of focusing solely on the band, We’re with You will also explore the massive international fan base that has made The Red Chili Peppers one of the biggest acts in rock music today. This book will feature portraits of The Chili Peppers’ fans from across the globe. Each subject’s beautiful portrait will be followed by a one-page interview. The life stories of the Chili Peppers’ fans range from fantastic to tragic, but are always inspirational and life-affirming. Lead singer Anthony Kiedis will be the driving force behind the book, teaming up with Top Vogue photographer, David Mushegain, to ensure a fan-appreciation book that is destined to be a huge success. Mushegain recently accompanied the band on their trip to the cities of Osaka and Tokyo, as well as a major festival in Brazil to photograph fans for the project as the band sold out stadiums around the globe.

The Chili Peppers have had a lot of success with their books – Anthony Kiedis’ memoir, SCAR Tissue, has sold well over one million copies worldwide – and part of that is due to the inarguable devotion of their fans. Over the last few decades, the Chili Peppers have evolved into one of the biggest, most beloved headlining acts in rock – amassing over 14 million Facebook fans along across the globe.

We’re with You will highlight the importance of their fans to the band’s success in a novel way. It will be a book dedicated to the exploration of the fans of the Red Hot Chili Peppers – a band whose legacy is already legendary as they continue to influence younger generations to be passionate about what they love.


● 作者簡介

Red Hot Chili Peppers是1983年成立於加州洛杉磯的美國另類搖滾樂團,由主唱Anthony Kiedis、吉他手John Frusciante、貝斯手Micheal “Flea” Balzary和鼓手Chad Smith組成,樂團音樂風格多變,主要融合另類搖滾、龐克搖滾和迷幻搖滾等元素。專輯【Californication】全球大賣一千五百萬張的煇煌成績,其後【By the Way】專輯延續他們的成功,雙CD【Stadium Arcadium】更被《滾石雜誌》評2006年度最佳專輯第二名,並獲格林美年度最佳專輯獎的提名。被公認為最重要和最受歡迎的另類搖滾樂團之一。


● 媒體報導