非文學類 (傳記)
I am Spartacus!: Making a Film, Breaking the Blacklist
Kirk Douglas
Open Road
June 2012
● 內文簡介

雲集多位好萊塢幕前幕後多位精英拍攝的【萬夫莫敵】(Spartacus),成為了上世紀五、六十年代最轟動的電影,這片因為不避諱性與暴力而引發爭議,內容肉慾橫流、鮮血狂噴,突破電影中的所有禁忌。當年擔任此片男主角的寇克.道格拉斯(Kirk Douglas:曾於1950年代三次入圍奧斯卡金像獎最佳男主角的寇克.道格拉斯,1996年獲頒奧斯卡終身成就獎,2001年獲51屆柏林影展頒發終身成就獎)回憶拍攝的前後經歷,揭示一部傳奇電影的誕生。並請來知名好萊塢男星喬治.克隆尼為此書寫序。

From Kirk Douglas, Hollywood royalty and bestselling author of The Ragman’s Son and My Stroke of Luck, comes the candid story of the making of Spartacus, the blockbuster film that broke the blacklist.

One of the world’s most iconic movie stars, Kirk Douglas has distinguished himself as a producer, philanthropist, and author. Now, more than fifty years after the release of his enduring epic Spartacus, Douglas reveals the riveting drama behind the making of the legendary gladiator film. Douglas began producing the movie in the midst of the politically charged era when Hollywood’s moguls refused to hire anyone accused of Communist sympathies. In a risky move, Douglas chose Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted screenwriter, to write Spartacus.

As both producer and star of the film, Douglas faced explosive moments with young director Stanley Kubrick and struggles with giant personalities, including Sir Laurence Olivier, Charles Laughton, and Peter Ustinov. Writing from his heart and from his own meticulously researched archives, Kirk Douglas, at ninety-five years of age, looks back candidly—and often with self-effacing humor—at his audacious decision to give public credit to Trumbo, thus effectively ending the notorious Hollywood blacklist.

I AM SPARTACUS! is enhanced with newly discovered period photography of the stars and filmmakers both on and off the set. I've read every word of this and I can tell you that I was back in time, on studio lots, watching stars walk by, eavesdropping on conversations between who we know as superstars but who were just consummate professionals with changed names and a social network that wouldn't quit. It's marvelous. It's iconic. It's Kirk Douglas sharing a bit of America's dark history that most never knew, but which was very, very real and frighteningly like the very foreign policies we are so quick to decry.


● 作者簡介

Kirk Douglas is a renowned actor who appeared in over ninety movies before retiring from film acting in 2004. His work on and off the screen has been rewarded with three Academy Award nominations, an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement, and the Medal of Freedom. Through his production company, Bryna (named after his beloved Russian mother), he has produced acclaimed films such as The Vikings, Lonely Are the Brave, Paths of Glory, and Seven Days in May. A master storyteller, Douglashas also penned ten novels and memoirs. In 2009, he starred in an autobiographical one-man show called Before I Forget at the Center Theatre Group’s Kirk Douglas Theatre in Los Angeles. Douglas maintains an active life in Beverly Hills and Montecito, where he resides with his beloved wife Anne. Their love story comes shining through loud and clear in I AM SPARTACUS!, amongst so much else.


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