Changing Gear: Creating the Life After a Full-On Career
Jon Hall and Jon Stokes
Headline Home
October 2021
340 pp
● 內文簡介

★英國上議院議員卡米拉.卡文迪許(Camilla Cavendish)、教育學家安東尼.塞爾登(Anthony Seldon) 一致好評




《換檔》(Changing Gear)這部作品點出了為何「工作」和「自我定義」息息相關,而「換檔」——離開求學與工作的緊湊,走入下一階段——又是件多麼充滿挑戰性的事。當我們離開了數十年來的生活重心,那麼接下來,生活所能帶給我們的意義是什麼?面對職涯以及退休後的重重考驗,這本書教導我們如何更睿智的做決定,並善用書中所提及的實務方法,釐清對自己最重要的事物,拓展得以「換檔」的技能,並在深陷抉擇時,擁有探索光明的底氣。


● 作者簡介

Jan Hall,知名企業家、作家。她現在擔任富時100的總裁與董事長顧問;過去,她有20年的獵才經驗,並於多家公司擔任非執行董事,為頂尖領導進行培訓。

Jon Stokes,英國頂尖領導培訓家、心理學家、作家。Stokes於牛津大學賽德商學院任教多年,也是牛津大學聖安東尼學院的資深教職員工。他主要研究現代世界的領導精神。


● 媒體報導

‘‘In a world in which we are all living longer, Changing Gear helps us to think deeply about how best to use this extra time. Jan and Jon draw on their experience to guide you through transition from a fuill-on career to a rich and fulfilling life.’’―― Camilla Cavendish, author of Extra Time

‘‘Ever since I was young, I was amazed how bad people seemed at changing gear. Now I've driven into changing-gear land myself, I can only marvel at this book, which is full of wisdom. The gears can indeed be changed, without creaks and groans, but with a nice sweet glide.’’―― Sir Anthony Seldon, author of Beyond Happiness

‘‘In their new book, Changing Gear, Jan Hall, a former headhunter, and Jon Stokes, a psychologist, discuss the strategies that people can follow appraching the ''third stage'' of life, after their childhood and their careers...This is a critical issue. Think of all the time people spend deciding which university they would like to attend, which course they would like to study and which career they would wish to follow. Deciding on their post-career lifestyle is just as important. They may have decades left to enjoy...[They] must work out who they have been, who they are now and who they would like to become. [Changing Gears] presents a series of case studies of people who have been through this kind of upheaval, some a lot more successfully than others... readers will discover that the individual stories are instructive and the questioned posed by the authors are important.’’―― The Economist

‘‘How to prepare for life after an intense career. In Changing Gear...authors Jan Hall and Jon Stokes set out how this next life-or ''third age'' might be approached.’’―― Financial Times