The Perfect Other: A Memoir of My Sister
Kyleigh Leddy
Mariner Books
April 2022
● 內文簡介

★本書是作者榮獲2019年《紐約時報》Modern Love College Essay競賽獎的延伸之作
★該獲獎文章《Years Ago, My Sister Vanished. I See Her Whenever I Want.》邀請熱門影集《正常人》女星黛西.艾德格.瓊絲朗讀全文。請聆聽:https://is.gd/KcU0su
★Ted Talk演說家梅格.傑(Meg Jay,演講《二十歲的人生不能等到三十才開始》)知性推薦
★《大偽裝者》作者蘇珊.卡哈蘭(Susannah Cahalan)、臉書營運長暨全球暢銷書《挺身而進》作者雪柔.桑德柏格(Sheryl Sandberg)一致盛讚


自小,小女孩Kait Leddy就夢想有個玩伴。當她夢寐以求的妹妹Kyleigh來到世上後,小Kait對她的照顧無微不至。Kait和Kyleigh兩姐妹成為彼此堅強無比的後盾。






● 作者簡介

Kyleigh Leddy,作家。她畢業於波士頓大學,現於哥倫比亞大學攻讀社會工作專業碩士,主修臨床實務與公共政策。她的作品散見於《紐約時報》及《父母》雜誌。《The Perfect Other》是她的首作。她現居紐約。


● 媒體報導

‘‘Too often, people living with mental illness and their loved ones suffer in silence. Sharing heartfelt memories, painful recollections, and scientific research, Kyleigh Leddy breaks that silence to shine a light on the stigma surrounding mental health and schizophrenia. This deeply personal memoir will give readers greater empathy and understanding in supporting those who are oftentimes misunderstood.’’——Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and founder of Lean In and Option B

‘‘The Perfect Other reminds us all of the power of our only cradle-to-grave relationships—our siblings—as well as the powerlessness we feel when our brothers or sisters are not well. Yet, ultimately, the book is a triumph--a testament to the healing power of telling the stories of those we love.’’——Meg Jay PhD, author of Supernormal: The Secret World of the Family Hero

‘‘The Perfect Other is a stunning mosaic—an impassioned and poetic examination into the impossible “why?” of mental illness. The book, like its subject, is achingly alive: a harrowing but life-affirming odyssey of what it takes to care for someone who is slipping away. Ultimately this is a paean to sisterhood and the excruciating joy of loving someone ‘other.’ ’’——Susannah Cahalan, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Brain on Fire and The Great Pretender